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Everything posted by johnyull

  1. Working great again. How can I easily append the title with just a single word. Since I like to keep notebooks to a minimum I would prefer to add "journal" to the title or maybe add it as a tag.
  2. Thanks David. I have 20 folders in my Spotlight privacy section already. I believe I would have to place mobile documents in there. These are all folders in iCloud. When I reveal he any of the 30+ "document" folders they all go to iCloud. I couldn't add them to Spotlight Privacy even if I wanted to. However, I pretty sure I don't want to exclude Mobile Documents from Spotlight search.
  3. 2 of my favorite workflows Recent Items and Desk Drawer by Carlos-Sz. Great Job! However I was wondering if there was anyway to avoid seeing the finder.app document file that reveals itself when conducting a search inside a folder where an icon was manually added. Doing a folder search in Recent Items you'll see the DeskDrawer folder has an icon file visible. The more I customize my folder icons the more these pop up. Is there any way to avoid this aside from deletion icon from folder? Thanks. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1700881/icon%20-%20finder-app%20Document.png
  4. This folder filters are great but for sometimes the Mobile Documents create a problem. For instance when searching for the Documents folder in my home directory I get dozens of "document" results which are from iPhone Applications I believe. Anyway to avoid this? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1700881/Document%20Results.png
  5. I've been using this without problem for a while. Great workflow! I've been looking for a good workflow to also include "similar" movies. Rotten Tomatoes has a great algorithm for recommending movies and added the API. Unfortunately, I'm out of my league. I tried to use Scott's "movie search" as a template for "similar search" but this is out of my league. IF anyone, wants to take a crack, they have a great example of API in action at on their API page: http://developer.rottentomatoes.com/docs/read/json/v10/Movie_Similar. Thanks, John
  6. Perhaps there is a workaround solution, like a hotkey that could handoff to Mac's native QuickLook. I often preview a document in Alfred, find what I need then move back to my application, but about a third of the time I come across a long phrase or unmemorable string of numbers/text that I sure could use the ability to copy before moving back to my current application. Instead I have to open file, copy, go back to application, thus disrupting my workflow and focus. It's not the worst, but this would make it more seamless. Using a hotkey to achieve this would not be disrupting. Anyway, I appreciate that you're looking into it.
  7. Thanks Vero That would be great feature if possible...the final nail in the Alfred-oriented seamless workflow.
  8. I copied the terminal command in my previous response. Paste it into terminal plain text. Previously, I used this terminal command and it worked: defaults write com.apple.finder QLEnableTextSelection -boolean YES; killall Finder I think both work. Selectable Text in QuickLook is the best thing ever! I wish I could use it in Alfred, particularly with QuickRef and Cheaters workflows.
  9. Thanks. I am aware that I can open the file and select it, but that creates additional navigation that I was trying to avoid...navigation that I don't have to use outside of Alfred. QuickLook does allow selectable text if you use the following command line: defaults write com.apple.finder QLEnableTextSelection -bool TRUE; killall Finder This has been indispensible to me for years. Thanks, John
  10. Is there any way at all to write a general "search" workflow that allows you to you to "select text" when using the Preview command (shift or cmd Y). This would be great in something like QR Ref workflow the brilliant (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3153-quick-ref-quickly-reference-files-eg-cheat-sheets-using-quick-look/) I used the terminal command to allow "selectable text" on my Mac, but it doesn't translate when using QuickLook on Alfred.
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