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Everything posted by tomwrenn

  1. I'd like there to be an option to select a font that supports differentiating letters like l and I very clearly because I use Large Type very often to show a randomized 1Password password as I enter it into some device like my phone or playstation or kindle. Maybe that could be the default or maybe it would need to be an option.
  2. Hi AriX ! Running the following with an input from a File Action results in this: http://piteo.us/1kWqwTs (the result is set to true but I get the shown popup) on alfred_script(q) tell application "DeskConnect" to set result to (send temporary file q to all devices) if result is "false" then return "Failed to send." else return "Sent!" end if end alfred_script same issue for just "send file q..." On my phone, it shows the items in the list but after about 10 minutes of the "Waiting..." indicator it gives me a UIAlertView of "The file was not properly uploaded" What I have so far: http://piteo.us/1kWrter
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