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  1. I am setting up Alfred on a new work computer, where I'm not allowed to install Dropbox. How can I import my preferences into this new computer? I tried copying Alfred.alfredpreferences to the new computer and double-clicking it as suggested in this Stack Overflow post but I get a "You cannot open an Alfred Preferences file directly" error.
  2. There are still many users (like myself) on Intel Macs, and an app like Alfred should absolutely not waste resources.
  3. @Noob you need to run pip3 install openai on the Terminal to install the openai Python module. I also had to edit the script inside the workflow and change python to python3
  4. Thanks! I've already updated to 5.0.5 b2096 and changed my dynamic snippets to use isodate instead. Offtopic: How to format a word (like "isodate" in the paragraph above) as code in this forum?
  5. I just updated to 5.0.4 b2089 and it's working as expected. Thanks!
  6. Yes, that's probably related, but I expected this to apply only to the default {date}, {time} and {datetime} placeholders with no formatting. Since I explicitly used the format the documentation suggest for "ISO 8601 date format" ({date:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ}), I expected to get a ISO 8601 formatted datetime.
  7. I'm trying to create a dynamic snippet that will display the current date/time in ISO 8601 format, but it's showing the hour in 12-hour format instead of 24-hour. Right now it's 5:50PM, so it should be 17:50. But a dynamic snippet with the `{date:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ}` content, as suggested in the documentation, shows "2022-10-07T5:50:05-03:00" instead of "2022-10-07T17:50:05-03:00". I tried replacing the `HH` with `hh` but I get 05 instead of 17. How can I get a proper ISO 8601 format? Thanks!
  8. dserodio

    macOS Monterey

    Awesome, thanks for sharing! I found the result subtext font of 8px to be too tiny so I increased it to 12px, and I also increased the result icon to 34px, I think it looks perfect now 🙂
  9. I never used Spotlight directly, only Alfred. I'm trying to use Alfred to find a file named eBook-How-to-write-great-OKRs-revised-edition.pdf, which is in ~/Documents. When I type okr in Alfred, it doesn't find anything, showing only fallback searches. So I opened Spotlight and searched for "okr", and it promply found this file. How can I fix this? Thanks! macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Alfred 4.6.1
  10. Thank you, I hadn't noticed that 1Password also used ⌥⌘\
  11. This looks really powerful, but I had some trouble finding out how to actually use it The onboarding experience could be improved. I went to Preferences > Features > Universal Actions like suggested in https://www.alfredapp.com/universal-actions/ , and saw this: I tried selecting some text in a webpage and hitting → + fn + ctrl, and nothing happened. So I saw this: so I tried hitting Option + Cmd + \ and instead of Alfred doing something, 1Password opened (Cmd + \ is the global hotkey for 1Password). After completely quitting 1Password, I tried Option + Cmd + \ and finally Alfred's Universal Actions dialog appeared. So in addition to suggesting a more "step by step" tutorial, shouldn't Option + Cmd + \ for Alfred override the Cmd + \ that's used by 1Password? Thanks!
  12. I'm running Alfred 4.0.3 [1092] with the Powerpack on macOS 10.14.6. I use Dropbox to sync my Alfred preferences, and I had an old GitHub workflow installed. When I tried to use it by typing "gh " it told me there was an update available. I chose the "> update" option. Then I opened Alfred again, typed "gh " and the "> update" option appeared again, so I chose it again. Then I opened Alfred again, and typed "gh " and then chose "> changelog" to try to figure out whether it had already updated or not. Then my computer was slowing to a crawl, and I opened Activity Monitor to see what was the culprit. To my surprise, Alfred was using over 30% CPU and 9 GBs of RAM (!). I captured a sample using Activity Monitor hoping it may help troubleshoot the problem, and killed Alfred. It's back to normal now, but I'm afraid to update this workflow again :)
  13. Search is broken in Packal, when I try to search I get the following error: Also, the error page gives more details than it should (stacktrace and file locations), which is a security issue, you may want to look into that.
  14. Is there some way to disable this behaviour? I'd like to activate the Dash workflow only when I begin my Alfred query with "dash". I got lots of docsets so the workflow is activated too often for my taste. I'm using Alfred 3.0.3 and Dash 3.3.1. Thanks.
  15. It's a very tiny bug, but I think it's work reporting anyway The changelog for Alfred 3 is showing headers with hash signs instead of rendering as headers:
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