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Everything posted by Wolfspyre

  1. I'd like to request the ability to have different types of arguments. you could have one type be 'iterator' which iterates through the argument data presented, processing each delimited entitiy as if the invoked action were called with just that string as the argument you could have another type be 'multi-var' which permits one to pass multiple independent strings to a workflow, which could be referenced as elements of an array, or enumerated strings, or whatever. this would be backwards compatible, since existing workflows would still be using the string typed handler, which wouldn't need to change, perse the goal is to allow one to provide structured data to a workflow, be it an array of strings, or a hash of kv pairs, or multiple variables to one script. I think the existing functionality is good, but with more flexibility, I think the community could do some really cool things that are currently pretty awkward to accomplish, and feel hacky.
  2. that didn't end up working, actually. For future people looking, this is how I ended up getting it working: on alfred_script(q) if q contains "-" then set theText to "https://my.jira.fqdn/browse/" & q else set theText to "https://my.jira.fqdn/browse/FOOBAR-" & q end if tell application "Google Chrome" tell (make new window) set URL of active tab to theText end tell activate end tell end alfred_script since every ticket contains a project, a hyphen, and a ticketnumber, I can just see if the string has a hyphen. Crude, but generally functional.
  3. Hi there! I have a workflow which will open a new chrome browser to our jira server for a particular ticket: it fires off a keyword with an argument, and goes to a 'run NSAppleScript' action: --- on alfred_script(q) set theText to "https://my.jira.fqdn/browse/" & q tell application "Google Chrome" tell (make new window) set URL of active tab to theText end tell activate end tell end alfred_script --- what I want to do is give myself the ability to not type the FULL ticket number, for tickets inside the project I work on the most. Most of the tickets I have look like this: FOOBAR-1234 some string of text, a hyphen, and a set of digits. I'd like to extend my current workflow such that I can either enter "SOMEPROJECT-1234" which would turn the url into "https://my.jira.fqdn/browse/SOMEPROJECT-1234" OR I could enter '1234' which would turn the url into "https://my.jira.fqdn/browse/FOOBAR-1234" How might I do this most efficiently? Thanks so much in advance for your help!
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