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Posts posted by doubter13

  1. Hi, 

    great workflow, but i have two questions/Problems:


    For me the play/pause option is only working when i time play or pause after the hotkey

    when i just use the hotkey and try to use the "cmd+2" option i can see in spotify the progess bar jumps back to the beginning and pauses the title, no matter if it is already playing or not. i can't use this to resume a title or play a title



    when i use the "search for .... with spotifius" it is not working for me, although i have spotifius installed

    I can see that it  tries to pass the search to spotifius using the keyword "spot" but i can't setup spotifius to react to a keyword, only to a hotkey...

    (this might be an pebcac thing, as i am quite new to alfred....)


    any hints are much appreciated 

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