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Everything posted by saggymac

  1. Don't think the author has updated this recently. But I have this working with OmniFocus 2 (on Yosemite beta 3). The issue is that the OmniFocus cache has moved in OF2. So, here's what you can do to patch things up ... NOTE: Assuming you have downloaded the latest (from December 27 2013) version of the workflow and installed it. 1) Open Alfred options, and find the OmniFocus workflow. 2) Double Click the central .of script action 3) At the bottom right of the action's pane, there is a button titled "Open workflow folder". Click that. 4) Edit the file ofHandler.sh 5) Near the top of the file, there is a getOFCacheDir() shell function. You need to edit the path in that function as follows ... If your OF2 app came from Omni's web site, use this ... local OFCD="${HOME}/Library/Containers/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2/Data/Library/Caches/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2" If your OF2 app came from the Mac App Store, use this ... local OFCD="${HOME}/Library/Containers/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2.MacAppStore/Data/Library/Caches/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2.MacAppStore" Save the edited file. Restart Alfred.app. And you should be in business. NOTE: I did this with the Mac app store version. Haven't tested the direct from Omni version. I guessed that path using info from the OmniFocus forums. If it doesn't work, suggest you browse your filesystem in that area starting with ~/Library/Containers and you should find it. -Cheers
  2. I have a workflow that isn't working. I can add output nodes into the flow to see output. True. But in my case, that's not doing anything. My current workflow yields no output, and there is nothing in console.app. Personally, if we could just set a pref (even on command using defaults; or a checkbox in UI) to just send debugging info to console.app, that would be more that glorious. I don't want or need anything fancy. Anyway, I read in the forums here that the notion has been discussed. Just voicing my support for it. Thanks.
  3. I used to use Alfred v1 to call up an app, then --> --> to get to the list of recent documents for that app. That workflow isn't working for me in v2. Did I config something wrong? Is it done differently? Please advise. Thanks!
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