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Everything posted by jason721b

  1. Alfred's Clipboard History supports three types of items: text, file and image. For file, you can hit the right arrow and use the universal action menu. With that, I can easily save the file to a location w/o leaving Alfred. However, I can't find a way to do it with image. My workaround is to open Preview and use "New from Clipboard". Is there a way to save image directly through Alfred?
  2. Is there a way to track # of time a snippet is expanded?
  3. I have workflow that takes a certain argument. Sometime I want to get this argument from the clipboard manager. When I hit the shortcut for clipboard manager, Alfred will terminate the current workflow and there is no way to come back to this workflow. Is this possible with Alfred? If not, I would like to convert this to a feature request? My workaround is to use another clipboard manager or close Alfred and construct the argument in a text editor. --- I've been using Alfred since Alfred 2 but this is my first post
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