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  1. That is a great workflow, thanks! What I miss is a way to search a paper by title and not only by author. Is it feasible or quickly achievable?
  2. I confirm this behaviour too (I pass by to make quite the same post myself)! I don't know if it is because alfred become generally slower or is this specific function, but there's definitively something wrong with 'define' lately!
  3. +1 in v3 Would be great to have that. now I am have to run merge once in a while (btw, nice workflow http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3363-mavericks-merge-all-finder-windows/) for having such feature, and it is kind of annoying
  4. Seems a great feature! doesn't work at all in yosemite? or I cannot figure out how to use it? Should be an automatic operation, right?
  5. As anyone managed to make it work? It would be pretty useful but doesn't seems to work for me :\
  6. Thanks! I actually downgrade at 2.2.1 and now it works perfectly
  7. Hi all, someone else has some problems with the latest version of the script? From the moment I update it starts to not recognise the textual category during the highlights export. I tried to reinstall it, but nothing :\ I do not get any error, when I export a note it simply says [INFO: alfred.workflow.input.keyword] Processing output 'alfred.workflow.action.script' with arg '' [INFO: alfred.workflow.action.script] Processing output 'alfred.workflow.output.notification' with arg 'Exported notes to Evernote as HTML Seems that the color are set correctly, therefore I have no idea why it is not working. In alternative, it would be possible to download a previous version somewhere?
  8. Just did, and now everything works perfectly! Thanks again
  9. I will have to add more beers, because I have another problem! When I try to click on the PDF link from Evernote: I get the error -10810 telling me that "the application "_skimmer" can't be opened. I did not change the path for the PDF, so I sincerely do not have any idea what the problem is about Any solution?
  10. yep, sorry, forgot to mention Last version of Alfred+Skim+Skimmer. update: Just try leaving the PDF with the highlights open, and well, it worked perfectly. Thanks for the support, I owe you a couple of beers
  11. Hi the workflow is great, but I have some problems with with workflow in my current setup. It doesn't: Open the root folder Set the color of the highlighting Extract the highlighting to evernote Here the log of the debug: I thought the main problem was html2text, so I installed it throughout python, but I do think it was quite a good idea, mostly because it didn't resolve the problem! Any ideas? Thanks P.s. this is the screen of the PDF with the highlights (skimmer_config_new):
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