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Everything posted by artelse

  1. Ok, that did it. I assumed I had to point to the dir where the actual .git resides. Thanks!
  2. Ok, one good one error. The first one finds the .git directory, the second my mistake, no repos in there. I removed the erronous path and setting the depth to 2 made of course no diff as it found the repos.. Any other ideas? Thanks for looking into this!
  3. Yes, I did a reposupdate a few times. Here is the last log snippet, which says no repos found.. 15:34:17 repos.py:90 DEBUG args: {u'--edit': False, u'--helpfile': False, u'--open': False, u'--update': True, u'<appnum>': None, u'<path>': None, u'<query>': None} 15:34:17 background.py:215 DEBUG Calling [u'/usr/bin/python', '/Users/ae/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.A4C6E503-62A4-476D-8B6D-80CF94FE0DC8/workflow/background.pyc', u'update'] ... 15:34:18 background.py:259 DEBUG Task `update` running 15:34:18 background.py:260 DEBUG cmd : [u'/usr/bin/python', u'update.py'] 15:34:18 background.py:220 DEBUG Executing task `update` in background... 15:34:18 update.py:94 DEBUG 0 repos found in `/Users/ae/_arm-new/arm_lib/` in 0.02 s 15:34:18 update.py:94 DEBUG 0 repos found in `/Users/ae/develop/_sites/_webhook/aesite` in 0.04 s 15:34:18 workflow.py:970 DEBUG Cached data saved at : /Users/ae/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/net.deanishe.alfred-git-repos/repos.cache 15:34:18 update.py:139 INFO 0 repos found in 0.10 s 15:34:18 update.py:140 INFO Update finished 15:34:18 background.py:270 DEBUG Task `update` finished
  4. Somehow I can't get it to recognise a simple git repo. My settings are: { "app_1": "Finder", "app_2": "Terminal", "app_3": null, "app_4": null, "app_5": null, "app_6": null, "global_exclude_patterns": [], "search_dirs": [ { "path": "~/develop/_sites/_webhook/aesite" }, { "path": "~/_arm-new/arm_lib/" } ] } It just sits there and says No known git repos.. Any idea? Thanks!
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