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Tyler Eich

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Everything posted by Tyler Eich

  1. This is not a bug, it is by design. But I must say: I agree with you 100%. I can think of many cool things one could accomplish if Alfred allowed the same hot key to trigger different behaviors based on context. As it stands, I only use context-sensitive hot keys that disable when Textmate is active (Textmate registers a lot of hot keys). +1 for multiple contexts for a single hot key.
  2. Issues like these are nearly always an indexing problem, even on modern SSDs. Have you tried reindexing your Mac recently? This option is found under Alfred Preferences > Advanced > Files / Apps > Rebuild OS X Metadata. I prefer to use the "Delete /.Spotlight-V100" option, which will result in a complete reconstruction of the OS X file index and has a higher chance of solving speed issues. This is not a bug with Alfred. It's an issue out of Alfred's control (since Alfred depends on OS X's metadata index).
  3. This error was introduced in Mountain Lion. Basically, when converting a POSIX path to an alias, it wants an absolute path rather than a relative path, even though it has no effect on the final result. I found this answer on Stack Overflow
  4. The easiest way is to use Alfred's sync feature. On your old computer, tell Alfred to sync with e.g. ~/Dropbox/ (or other file syncing service). Wait for the sync to complete. Then on your new computer, tell Alfred to sync with the same location (in this case, ~/Dropbox/). Alfred will load all of your previous settings and workflows. This is the recommended way to transfer settings. Related Alfred Support page You can also transfer some settings manually, without syncing. Be aware that this method will not be as thorough as Alfred's built-in sync feature; for example, this method will not transfer your workflows. Before you do this, quit Alfred on both machines. Then copy your old computer's ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences file to the same location (~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences) on the new computer; this will overwrite Alfred's.
  5. Upon closer inspection, it appears there is no other way to ignore the contents of a folder than to add files to Spotlight's privacy settings. The v1 support page on blacklisting apps is still relevant for Alfred 2
  6. You can add 'alfred:ignore' to the Spotlight comments (but you'll have to add this to every individual item you want to blacklist)
  7. I can't replicate your issue in the latest Alfred prerelease. Try updating to the 2.3 prerelease and see if the issue persists. If the issue still exists, could you provide more detail on how to replicate it? For example, state exactly how you are trying to open the URL (e.g. from a workflow, web search, directly typed into Alfred, etc.) Alfred 2 v2.3 (264) on Mac OS X 10.9.2 (13C1021)
  8. +1. Didn't notice it until now, but being able to search for workflows I've created would be very nice.
  9. Alfred's Powerpack FAQ should answer your question. Look under "Which v2 license type should I buy?"
  10. I've replicated this, but I believe it's the intended behavior. Just to clarify: you want the keyword's Placeholder Title and Subtext to appear when the keyword is triggered? Alfred 2 v2.3 (263) on Mac OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
  11. I don't want all workflows to have access to my location either. My thought was a permissions system, similar to what OS X implements for apps. Like a checkbox for the workflow that enables the {location} token. On installation (or first run), Alfred asks the user to grant access to location data; if the user denies access, Alfred replaces {location} with an empty string (or something similar). The script is responsible for handling the denied request. It really is a lot to ask, but I've flipped the internet upside down looking for a stable, consistent way to get user location from a script. I've found all manner of command line tools, but none work consistently when bundled in a workflow. I've even build custom app bundles for this purpose; these don't work in a workflow folder either.
  12. Does anybody have a working solution for retrieving the current user location from a workflow? I've tried using command-line binaries (e.g. whereami), but it seems OS X does not properly register them under Location Services settings unless they are installed as an app. For example, the System Preferences Privacy pane appears buggy when using such binaries, with the binary's entry disappearing at random. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  13. When using the "File Selection" hotkey (e.g. Command + Option + \) to open the actions panel, Alfred copies the selected files to the clipboard. When pasting in a text editor, the selected paths' names (without their absolute path) will be pasted with a newline between each entry. When pasting into Finder, the actual files will be copied to the destination at which they were pasted. The copied files do not propagate into Alfred's clipboard history. Alfred 2 v2.2 (243) on Mac OS X 10.9.2 (13C64) Thanks to Carlos for helping find this bug
  14. This is not a bug, it's the expected behavior. Alfred's tab completion logic for folders is the same as those used by Terminal. Here's a breakdown of how it works: Since "User Information", "Users", and "usr" all start with "us", pressing tab will do nothing (except maybe change the input to lowercase) If you were to type "Use" and press tab, you'd get "User" because "User Information" and "Users" both start with "User" If you were to type "User " (followed by a space) and press tab, you'd get "User Information" because it's the only choice that starts with your input. I submitted a feature request related to this behavior (because I personally don't care for it )
  15. Confirmed. Only affects Terminal Command object. Alfred v2.2; OS X Version 10.9.2
  16. Are you syncing with Dropbox?
  17. This sounds like a permissions issue, similar to what other users have reported on the forums. You could try two things: Run a permissions repair of your main computer drive If the first step does not solve the problem, try creating a new user account. Use Alfred under that account and report back whether the issue is resolved or not
  18. I requested a feature that included time/date triggers. You may want to post your ideas there
  19. This method is certainly applicable in many situations, but I tend to dislike interfaces that call Alfred via AppleScript while I'm typing. They make the UI flickery; it feels too much like a hack.
  20. So it would be good if the language was remembered too, eh? I'll make sure that's clear in the original post
  21. This is not a bug, this is by design. To help explain this: Say you have a date calculator that uses the keyword 'date'. Normally, you type 'date +1d +5w' or something and you get a result from that workflow. Now say you want to know the date in California, so you type 'date in California' into Alfred. You would get worthless results if Alfred stripped your input to 'in California'. To work around this: In the workflow editor, add an Action > Default Web Search. This will use {query} as its argument, stripping the keyword you specified. If the search you need is not available in the Defaults, add an Open URL action that uses your specific URL, placing {query} wherever it belongs
  22. Could you be more specific? What does 'sometimes' mean? Are there any specific circumstances that create this issue? Do you have any apps that affect the keyboard, like a keyboard re-mapper? Thanks!
  23. It would be a great convenience if Alfred could automatically fill in some data every time I create a blank workflow. For example, a setting in Alfred that would auto-fill any new workflow with the following info: Bundle Id: tylereich. Created By: Tyler Eich The same principal applies to workflow objects. When working with a script object, I manually deselect every escaping choice except 'Double quotes' and 'Backslashes'. It would be great if Alfred remembered what options I picked last time (language and escaping) and defaulted to those for every new object until I made another change. It's a small enhancement, but if you make a lot of workflows, it could save you a lot of time.
  24. No, this isn't a bug. Replace "Đ" with "Đ", the XML entity form of that character. I assume you generated this output manually (i.e. you didn't use a workflow helper library). You might consider using a workflow helper library that handles the XML generation and encoding for you
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