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Posts posted by Shark.Formax

  1. # 🔈 SwitchAudio Alfred Workflow




    Yet another audio input/output switching interface for SwitchAudioSource

    Tested with Alfred 5 and macOS Monterey.


    ## Motivation

    All the other workflows I tried were incompatible with macOS Monterey, so I
    figured it would be easier to just build my own


    ## Prerequisites

    You need to have both SwitchAudioSource and JQ installed on your mac. This is
    most easily done via Homebrew:


    brew install switchaudio-osx jq


    Also you will need Alfred Powerpack. This workflow was tested with Alfred 5 only.


    ## Installation

    Download the workflow from GitHub the latest release page and open it :)


    ## Usage

    In Alfred type

    ;so — to switch output device

    ;si — to switch input device


    ## Screenshots

    Output selection


    output selection


    Input selection


    input selection

  2. @deanishe I don't know all countries that the API supports, but I was able to confirm US, Canada, Australia and China (I tried Essen / Düsseldorf but couldn't find it, sorry mate).

    @edbro That was a bug! Thanks for letting me know. I've released a new version to address this (v1.1.0) which also allows you to search for other states / provinces other than the one you configured.



  3. View on github: https://github.com/dkarter/CoronaTime
    ## Corona Time: An Alfred Workflow For Tracking COVID-19
    See case statistics for your state/province: ☣️ Confirmed,  Recovered, and ☠️ Deaths.
    Data is provided by ArcGIS Esri Corona Virus Dataset.
    ## DEMO
    See attached
    ## Installation
    1. Download and open the [workflow file from this repo](https://github.com/dkarter/CoronaTime)
    2. Enter your State/Province:
    See Attached (or github)
    3. If you like it, please star (on github) and share for reach!
    ## License
    Dataset is provided by ArcGIS Esri Corona Virus dataset and subject to ArcGIS Esri terms of licensing.



  4. https://github.com/dkarter/Bang




    A DuckDuckGo !bang auto-completion.



    Download the .workflow file from https://github.com/dkarter/Bang and open it in Alfred.



    Must run `!update` before using - this will download the completion data from


    After getting the completion data you can use the workflow by either typing `!`
    into Alfred's search box, or using the system-wide shortcut <Ctrl-!>


    ## Demo







    DuckDuckGo name and logo are trademarks of Duck Duck Go, Inc.



  5. Unfortunately Netflix changed their internal API which I was relying on for searching. Looks like they are using a home grown variation on GraphQL which would be too big of a change to implement.


    That is the nature of internal APIs - no guarantees are made and they are changed often.


    While it might still be possible in theory to use the mobile app API (that one is still JSON last time i checked) I don't have any personal use for this workflow anymore and decided it is not worth my time and effort to maintain it.


    If you would like to take over development feel free to fork it on github.

  6. Hi @stijndg,


    Glad you like the workflow!


    At the moment when you select a TV series on the workflow it will start playing the episode right where you left off.

    If you want to select an episode you can hold ⌘ and press return. This will open the last season you were watching of the series and allow you to select an episode.


    See this quick video I put together to demonstrate this:


    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any additional questions.


    - Cheers, DK

  7. There's definitely a way to find out the country code if you have a Netflix account running on this country code but it may be a little complicated.

    Essentially you need to monitor the network traffic to Netflix servers when you do an autocomplete search.


    Since I don't have an account anywhere ohter than the US you will have to figure it out on your computer.


    I do that using Google Chrome.


    When you open Netflix right click on the page and select Inspect Element (bottom)



    You will then need to select the network tab



    1. Clear the network tab.

    2. Start typing a movie name

    3. Look for the url as in the image below containing instantsearch / autocomplete



    Open the headers tab and find the country code in the URL. I think it should be two letter as it is for US and CA but it may be different for other countries.


    Sorry it's so complicated but I don't work for Netflix and therefore have no access to their internal protocols on how they do things.

    If you can't get my instructions to work for you let me know.

  8. Version 1.5 is out now - http://www.packal.org/workflow/netflix-search

    Go check it out.


    @katie - as of right now to change the country you will have to go into the workflow and modify the script filter as in the screenshot below. If there is more demand I can create an interface for setting it.


    Double click the highlighted script filter:



    For US (default):



    For Canada:



    Please let me know how that's working out for you.

  9. @katie - I've added support for switching the country on the latest version which I will publish today, hope you'll like it.


    @Sebastian Daza - sorry, I am working on a new version of both the API server and client and managed to break it for users with older version of the workflow. That being said, the good news is that the new version is done! I will upload it today by end of day.


    Definitely need a better workflow and API versioning to support legacy versions for future releases.


    If you downloaded the workflow using the Packal workflow you should get the update automatically tonight. Otherwise, watch this thread and I will update when it's ready.


    Here's a teaser:


  10. Hi all, this is my first workflow, please let me know what you think.


    Netflix Alfred Workflow

    Website: https://github.com/dkarter/AlfredNetflixSearchWorkflow
    Netflix API (unofficial): https://github.com/dkarter/NetflixScraperAPI
    Version: 1.5 (Sept 20, 2014)

    License: MIT
    Disclaimer: I am not connected and or affiliated with Netflix, this code was written purely for educational purposes and with no other intent, warranty or purpose. Use at your own risk and responsibility.


    Please use Packal to download the workflow - it will provide AutoUpdate functionality.


    Searching for a movie/tv-show

    nf [name of movie]

    • Netflix Search Workflow will automatically suggest matching titles.
    • Pressing enter (⏎) will open the Netflix player in your browser and start playing the movie
      • If you are opening a previously watched TV show/movie it will continue where you stopped last
    • Pressing Command (⌘) and Enter (⏎) will open the movie page which includes synopsis, cover, reviews
      • if the title is a TV show it will allow you to select the episode you would like to watch on that page


    Searching for an actor/director etc

    nf ppl [name of person]

    • Netflix Search Workflow will automatically suggest matching names based on roles in movies in Netflix.
    • Press enter (⏎) to open a page with a list of movies by/with that person
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