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Everything posted by catfist

  1. If I add Japanese to 'Language and region' pane, Key remaping is occurred. Occurred remapping is: command + option + ] -> command + C If I remove Japanese, this problem is avoidable.
  2. This workflow work wirh Listacular, to remind tasks. Alfred text format: txt task,date,time task: All Todo.txt format(priority,context,project) and Listacular format(@due(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm),@remind(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)) are allowed. date: Use 'yyyy-mm-dd' or '+n' format. '+0' will be converted to today. It can be omitted. time: Use 'hhmm' format. It can be omitted. If today is 2014-01-01, txt some task,+1,2100 -> - some task @remind(2014-01-02 21:00) txt some task,,2100 -> - some task @remind(2014-01-01 21:00) txt some task,+1 -> - some task @due(2014-01-02 23:59) txt some task -> - some task txt some task @due(2014-01-01 21:00) -> - some task @due(2014-01-01 21:00) txt some notice @n -> some notice Please see more details in Github repo. https://github.com/catfist/Alfred-Add-to-Listacular
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