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  1. Hey Vero! First off, I want to thank you for all the effort you and Andrew have put into Alfred over the years. I've been a very happy user for a long time now. I don't use any other apps that affect the keyboard in any way - confirmed that in accessibility. I think the issue stems from my keyboard's "Key Repeat" and "Delay Until Repeat" which are 100% fast and 100% short (screenshot). The strange thing about the behavior though, is that it's not 100% of the time. When alfred _does_ begin to do merging with single key presses, adding a small delay between the CMD press and the C press copies normally instead of merging. Given that it's not a consistent behavior I'm unsure of what else could be an influence, but at least there's a workaround.
  2. I'm using version 3.3.2 and when pressing cmd+c once, an estimated 75% of the time it still does a clipboard merge, which leads to multiple successive appended strings, rather than copying something new to the clipboard. Anyone else experience this?
  3. Resolved....Something was fishy somewhere. I copied over the other script that I mentioned was identical in the query arg handling, remodified it to be identical to the broken code above, and everything is gravy. Strange happenings.
  4. I incorporated your modifications to main() - tidying up indeed. Unfortunately that didn't help the XML error. I am validating that arglist is getting split, though. In my code I assigned separate vars to the indexes of arglist to be certain it was splitting here: arglist = query.split(',') port = arglist[0] srv1 = arglist[1] srv2 = arglist[2] and my wf.add_item is calling those vars here: wf.add_item( title = "Jump from %s to %s" % (srv1,srv2), arg = "-A -t -L 9800:localhost:{0} -L {1}:localhost:{2} bvi@{3} ssh -L {4}:localhost:9800 -L {5}:localhost:80 bvi@{6}".format(randport1,port,randport2,srv1,randport1,randport2,srv2), valid = True ) and I am seeing it used those vars in the arg it creates in the debug window here: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] XML Parse Error 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 4.)'. Row (null), Col (null): 'Document is empty' in XML: 9999,myserverip1,myserverip2 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <items><item valid="yes"><title>Jump from 11 to 11</title><subtitle /><arg>-A -t -L 9800:localhost:5923 -L 9999:localhost:5318 bvi@myserverip1 ssh -L 5923:localhost:9800 -L 5318:localhost:80 bvi@myserverip2</arg></item></items> Still at a loss here...
  5. The title basically says what I'm trying to do. I have a python script using deanishe's alfred-workflow library that I'm using to build an ssh CLI string. Workflow is set up like this: The Script Filter runs "python jump.py {query}", or attempts to. jump.py looks like the following, and is meant to take args such as "9999,,", and buildout 'query', which should be passed to the Terminal Command action of "ssh {query} def main(wf): if len(wf.args): query = wf.args[0] else: query = None print query log.debug(query) arglist = query.split(',') randport1 = random.randint(5000,7000) randport2 = random.randint(5000,7000) port = arglist[0] srv1 = arglist[1] srv2 = arglist[2] query = "-A -t -L 9800:localhost:{0} -L {1}:localhost:{2} user@{3} ssh -L {4}:localhost:9800 -L {5}:localhost:80 user@{6}".format(randport1,port,randport2,srv1,randport1,randport2,srv2) wf.add_item( title = "Jump from %s to %s" % (srv1,srv2), arg = "-A -t -L 9800:localhost:{0} -L {1}:localhost:{2} user@{3} ssh -L {4}:localhost:9800 -L {5}:localhost:80 user@{6}".format(randport1,port,randport2,srv1,randport1,randport2,srv2), valid = True ) wf.send_feedback() # Mainloop if __name__ == u"__main__": wf = Workflow() log = wf.logger sys.exit(wf.run(main)) This is the debug output I get... I'm not terribly familiar with XML, so I don't know what's going on here. The confusing thing is I have another script that is identical in the way it takes the args passed through Alfred, splits them into a list, and then assigns it to key value pairs in a dict. It works fine.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <items><item valid="no"><title>Error in workflow 'com.alfred.custconn'</title><subtitle>list index out of range</subtitle><icon>/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/AlertStopIcon.icns</icon></item></items> [STDERR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] 15:18:37 jump.py:28 DEBUG 9999,, [INFO: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] 9999,, [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] XML Parse Error 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 4.)'. Row (null), Col (null): 'Document is empty' in XML: 9999,, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <items><item valid="yes"><title>Jump from to</title><subtitle /><arg>-A -t -L 9800:localhost:6678 -L 9999:localhost:5025 user@ ssh -L 6678:localhost:9800 -L 5025:localhost:80 user@</arg></item></items>
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