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  1. Thank you for the replies. I guess what I don't get is that Alfred in my mind is aimed at regular users, not programmers; on the webpage it says "There's no need to write a single line of code to create a workflow. Import workflows from the thousands our community of creators have shared." Having to figure out something about Python etc. is not something I'm interested in; Alfred is, after all, supposed to make me "more productive" which having to learn something new isn't really. I'm not complaining, just trying to figure out what Alfred is and maybe start a discussion with the developers. In today's world I would expect some kind of "store" for workflows. I LOVE Alfred and many of it's features, especially Snippets and Clipboard History.
  2. I need a (simple) converter (feet to cm, USD to EUR etc.) and thought "someone – probably several – must have done this with Alfred 5 Workflows". Searched and could only find this https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-convert which is for Alfred 3 & 4, and doesn't work in Alfred 5. Is there somewhere else I can search for Alfred 5 Workflows? It seems this is a feature they (creators of Alfred) are putting a lot of work into so I would expect there to be a repository of workflows and it's just my DuckDuckGo-skills that are not up to par…
  3. I need to convert height in feet/inches to cm/meters. Can't figure out how to do that. I'd like to type e.g. 6'1 or 6'1" but doesn't seem to work. Anyone smarter than me?
  4. Ah, I didn't know it had to be indexed by Spotlight. Once I removed Dropbox from the Spotlight Privacy tab it worked. Thanks! I've put it in the Spotlight Privacy tab for a reason: I use my computer for both work and private and would like to split the two things up. I've therefore (tried to) split it up so I use Spotlight for work and Alfred for private. My Dropbox is where I keep my private stuff and Google Drive is where all work-related documents are stored. Is there any way to reach this split?
  5. I have problems getting Alfred to show results from my Dropbox folder. In Default Reseults I have "Include folders in Home" selected and even added my Dropbox folder to the Search Scope (~/Dropbox). When I invoke Alfred, press space (to search for a file/folder), it doesn't show any of the content from the Dropbox folder. Any suggestions?
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