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Everything posted by FroZen_X

  1. Something that Andrew shoulda take a look at then. For now you can add under Right Click → Utilities → Transform and trim whitespaces Now i gotta have to check out ring menu
  2. %0A is a return character, probably produced by your script. I had the same. To fix this you can use the new "Transform" function of Alfred to trim whitespaces. That will get rid of it. Btw what appswitcher are you using there? The circle you use to get back to alfred.
  3. Go into your workflow folder(right click workflow and click "Open in Finder") and open "alfred.py". There you'll find these 2 lines: True: '~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data', False: '~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data' Replace "Alfred-2" with "Alfred-3" and "/Alfred 2/" with "/Alfred 3/" then it works again
  4. Me or someone else can help you, if you'd share the workflow you're talking about
  5. Do in your list "Don't expand in the following apps:" is nothing right? What kind of snipped are you trying to expand? might it be a mid-string? Edit: I guess misunderstood you, you don't mean Alfred snippets you mean the snippets of TypeIt4Me right ? If so then it could be that it doesnt detect Alfred as it doesn't pull focus. To change this go to Appearance → Options(Bottom left) → And switch Focusing mode from "Standard Mode" to "Compatibility Mode"
  6. You can check Alfreds basic hotkeys here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/cheatsheet/ Its not using any of those 2 you're pointing out by basic. Maybe you have changed any or they are used by an workflow? To easily check follow this:
  7. There is a workflow for this here: http://www.packal.org/workflow/date-calculator Simply type "dcalc today + 10d" into Alfred and it will show you the date. Press enter and it will be copied to your clipboard
  8. In Alfred 3 you have to readd your devices to Alfred. Have you done that? Other than that you might have the same problem as described here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8900-alfred-remote-won%E2%80%99t-connect-to-server-after-updating-to-alfred-3/ Your firewall might be blocking Alfred remote. Double check that as the only the server from Alfred 2 might be allowed. Are these always the same functions? You should maybe create temporarily a new user → run Alfred there and check if you still have the issues
  9. Take a look at this thread: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8904-v3-snippets-dont-expand-within-alfred/
  10. Take a look at the blog here: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/ Alfred 3 has a Migrating Assistant where you can decide to migrate all your data to Alfred 3. Other than that, you should probably set up a sync folder under Alfred preferences → Advanced → Set sync folder... to have your prefs etc. always synced and saved
  11. To do so you should take a look at Alfreds external trigger here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/triggers/external/ Now with Alfred 3 you can also copy pasta the workflows together and connect the wanted parts. Its up to you what you prefer Here is another example of it: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8811-how-can-i-combine-two-workflows-that-already-exist/ Hope that helps
  12. Just trying to help...ahem anyway have you tried to direct connect? I just deleted my devices and reconnected them without any issue, therefore I'm asking for other variables.
  13. Alfred Remote works just fine for me everything on latest operating system and latest version of Alfred. Take a look at this thread http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8686-ios-device-can-not-see-mac/ It could be that your firewall is blocking.
  14. Goto System Preferences → Security&Privacy → Accessibility → And check if Alfred 3 has access and that you don't have any double versions.
  15. I didn't have any problems with old workflows since the beginning of beta testing Alfred 3. However you might face problems like external triggers that hardcoded to send to "Alfred 2" that just have to be changed to "Alfred 3". Other than that there shouldn't be any problem
  16. Could you share your workflow here? That makes it easier to reproduce the Problem with the workflow you use
  17. Long time i used the workflow but i redownloaded 1.7 now and it works fine here. Maybe delete and reinstall it ?
  18. Take a look at this thread: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8883-import-textexpander-snippets-into-alfred-v3/ Should help
  19. What you can do is, that you create a script with Automator and let Alfred run this through a keyword or so. You can read out your clipboard via this applescript: set the_text to the clipboard return the_text Then use the this python script to increment every integer in your string: import re print re.sub('\d+',lambda x:`int(x.group())+1`,query) I've put an example workflow here together: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d7ld56vxb4nfjcf/Example%20String%20Int%20increase%20by%201.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Copy this string: "test 1 and 2 and 3" and run the workflow via "inctest" and it will give you this notification "test 2 and 3 and 4" For the rest i or other would have to know, or you now know enough Hope that helps ^^
  20. This should help you to get started with it: https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-node Here is Node.js: https://nodejs.org/en/ After that download the zip from github and unzip it in your downloads folder. Now you should have a folder named "textexpander-to-alfred3-master" in your downloads folder. Open Terminal → Type "cd Downloads" and press "Enter" to get into your downloads folder → then "cd textexpander-to-alfred3-master" press "Enter" to get into the folder of the textexpander converter. After that type "sudo npm install -g textexpander-to-alfred3" → you will have to type in your password (it won't show any signs or stars, so don't wonder) Type in your password and press enter. It should run your command and give you something like this: /usr/local/bin/textexpander-to-alfred3 -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/textexpander-to-alfred3/textexpander-to-alfred3.js /usr/local/bin/te2a3 -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/textexpander-to-alfred3/textexpander-to-alfred3.js /usr/local/lib └── textexpander-to-alfred3@0.0.3 After that you're almost done. Export groups from TextExpander and copy pasta them into the folder "textexpander-to-alfred3-master". As you're still in that folder via Terminal you just have to type in something like "textexpander-to-alfred3 Signatures.textexpander" depending on your exported filename. It will create a file for Alfred that you can double click and you're done Hope that helps ^^
  21. I guess focusing mode got changed in Alfred 3. To change this go to Appearance → Options(Bottom left) → And switch Focusing mode from "Standard Mode" to "Compatibility Mode" This should fix it
  22. Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d6m4d3mf5fdj8hf/Pistachio.alfredappearance?dl=0 If you have Alfred 2 still installed then you can just start it and export old ones btw
  23. Just select an item you want to delete and press "Backspace"
  24. Check this thread out: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8811-how-can-i-combine-two-workflows-that-already-exist/ There you can find the function to upload a picture for an image search Rest is just copy pasta. Like with Alfred 3 you can set up really easy a file action that you can add to your current one's. Once done you can search for you file via Alfred and then use the Action on that file or idk combine screenshot with direct upload
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