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  1. Hello everybody, I was just trying to realize a simple workflow to operate the TADO° smart thermostat from the MacBook using Alfred. If have captured the https requests with the two desired options: setting the temperature in AUTO mode, and switching the operation mode from NO_FREEZE, MANUAL to AUTO. Currently, in order to use these https requests, you are forced to login once via the browser to generate the authentication cookie. After that, the https requests are working fine. Is there a more elegant solution for this however? I have then tried to open the URLs using NSAppleScript and shell commands, like: do shell script "curl " & quoted form of theURL but it fails, I guess because of missing AUTH due to absence of cookie. So, I opted for an "Open URL" in Browser object which passes the variable. Backdraw is that this forces the browser to open to fire the request - is there a way to have it closed automatically afterwards? What would be the most elegant way to integrate the keyword "tado temp" followed by a digit where 21,5 should be converted to 21.5 with a decimal, plus "tado mode ON|OFF|AUTO" in one handy compact workflow? It dont fully understand the way how parameters are being passed? Here is my WF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7hg9p5h6zzj477/TADO%C2%B0.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Thanks in advance for any feedback. Regards, taue2512
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