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Everything posted by GoSWH

  1. In an effort to track my progress on this workflow, I am using Reply vs. Edit on the original post. Updated edit includes: moving from Run NSAppleScript to Run Script using /usr/bin/osascript which in turn runs the AppleScript in the Script window. adding "Enter your Meeting ID" as SubText (see screenshot) removed GTM version specificity by deleting: tell process "GoToMeeting v7.1.8" and replacing with: tell application process "GoToMeeting" The net result of this should be that any version of GoToMeeting will now work with this workflow. I tested with current version 7.1.4 and older version 6.4.12 build 2331 and both versions work. Also, this workflow has been tested on 10.10.3 and 10.10.4 beta.
  2. Hi. I've created my first ever workflow despite being a heavy Alfred PowerPack user for years. You can find the workflow on my hosted GitHub Page # Pre-requisites: This workflow assumes you have the GTM client installed on your Mac. # How to Use: 1. Copy the GoToMeeting ID from your calendar invite or email. 2. Launch Alfred with your keyboard shortcut of choice (mine is CMD+Space) 3. Type the letters: gtm followed by a space and then paste the meeting ID you copied in Step 1. 4. Hit Enter/Return 5. GTM will start. It's been tested with GoToMeeting 7.1.8 & 6.4.12. Let me know if it works for you. //Shawn
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