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  1. i know this is an old topic, but i've the exact same problem and can't seem to find the option in "features -> snippets" to turn off the shortcut alt+cmd+c. can anybody help me with that?
  2. Aaaah thank you so much @deanishe!! I loved LEO, but Linguee is even better!!
  3. cool thank you! hope this will get updated soon
  4. Thanks for your answer. I tried that out, but it behave exactly the same. Outlook just shows a preview-like image as shown above. any other suggestions?
  5. I recently use a lot the function to send an image via mail. I've set up mail app to disable inline attachment like this: defaults write com.apple.mail DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes Mail preview seems right: But this is what I receive in outlook on windows: Just a shitty Icon-like Preview: The thing ist, when I add the image directly in mail via "add attachment" button. It works fine and I receive the image in outlook as a real attachment. How can I tell Alfred to do exactly the same as when I would make it in mail-app? Thanks for your help! Cheers Tommy
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