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Everything posted by Starkiller

  1. The search option to find files created and or modified in the last 3 Days sounds awesome. Problem is, the download provided above does not work anymore. Can someone help? All the Best!
  2. Thank you! Works like a charm. Modified it so it adds a space instead of a line break.
  3. I have a question about "History Improvements • You can now use ⌃↑ and ⌃↓ to navigate Alfred's default result history at any time • Note: these shortcuts will need to be disassociated from Mission Control's shortcuts to use them in Alfred" I disassociated Mission Control. So ⌃↑ and ⌃↓ are free now. Do I then still have to activate this feature?
  4. Hey, I love Alfred. So i was happy to read you could modify contacts. But how can I add or save or modify contacts? Or am I getting something wrong? All the best. Uli
  5. Hi @Vero, after installing your workflow it did not find any events. Any idea? May it not be compatible with the latest osx.
  6. After years of not being able to search my notes in Alfred I just found this workflow which works great 🥳: http://www.packal.org/workflow/search-apple-notes
  7. I would love this workflow. But it does not work for me. When I "toggle" or go on "dark" nothing happens. Any idea why?
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