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Everything posted by Florian

  1. No idea, sorry. Either these won't have a cool icon or maybe some already existing code out there can help you with this. But I have personally no idea. I was also thinking that you might want to do a deeper search, find apps in folders within the Download folder, that'd be cool too.
  2. Hey just got an idea: you could also use the apps' icons, that'd look great
  3. Great, it's working now :-) I have some feedback for you though: In the above picture, you can see your own workflow, and actual app (pacapong.app), a hidden R history file ".Rapp.history" (this is a software used in research for statistical analysis and the likes), and a folder "71135_katapult_zip" containing blender models, images and html files. I don't really think ".Rapp.history" and "71135_katapult_zip" have their place on this list. If you don't want to filter files by their extension, then at least you could try and explore them and see if they fit (the ".Rapp" file will not have the usual package content structure, the "katapult_zip" is actually a folder containing nothing that can be installed). My Download is not so very messy. It is, but I think it could be way worse, in which case I'd be lost in files suggested for install... Anyway, I like what you did ;-)
  4. There's a problem on Packal w/ the download... Sends you to a github 404
  5. Well you know what, I hadn't... Feel so stupid now! For my own defense, the update did include a reboot so it *felt* like I had recently rebooted. Thanks @dfay.
  6. Damn... No the Accessibility Prefs were the first thing I checked. (It did instantly felt Applescript related). Any other idea?
  7. So here it is: For Evernote: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 0:90: execution error: System Events got an error: Application isn’t running. (-600) For my own terminal popping workflow: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.applescript] { NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = "System Events"; NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "Application isn\U2019t running."; NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "System Events got an error: Application isn\U2019t running."; NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = "-600"; NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {89, 41}"; } For the audio switch workflow: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 240:308: execution error: System Events got an error: Application isn’t running. (-600) For the Strike workflow: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 240:308: execution error: System Events got an error: Application isn’t running. (-600) Starting to see a pattern yet? :-) So it looks like many workflow are going to have to be changed with this new OSX 10.10.3, System Events isn't a thing anymore... Anyone has the time to look into that and find the new denomination?
  8. The latest Alfred update came out at about the same time as OSX 10.10.3 and so I updated both in a short interval, thus I cannot say for sure which update broke the workflows... But the fact remains, some workflows don't work anymore, like: - evernote by Carlos Alberto Sztoltz - audio switch by Ricardo Sampayo - strike by Xuso - a simple workflow of mine that associates a keyboard shortcut to an applescript supposed to pop a terminal in or out That's all I've seen so far... But they're important part of my work flow and I hope to get them back ! Tell me if there's anything I can do to help w/ the diagnosis.
  9. For single word translation, wordreference was always better anyway: http://www.wordreference.com/docs/api.aspx Anyone feels like making a workflow for it? For sentences and all, it'd be really cool to find an alternative too, this was way useful! Any ideas guys?
  10. Hi there, That's a cool workflow, I actually like it better than Tyler's because you give both shorter and bigger side of the ratio. But I think it's bad practice to add the line that says 'golden ratio of xxxx'. If you want to add this information, do it in the subtitles maybe.
  11. What have you done so far? Can you send your workflow over? I believe this has to be a Script Filter and use "autocomplete". This script filter would return the list of all volumes as long as the query is empty and the details for a disk when there is a query.
  12. I did try to play around with keep-alives at some point but APIs supporting it are just too rare I couldn't get a cool use-case. So I have no numbers to show for it... But it's very easy to implement once you've got the daemon running.
  13. I tried that too at some point but it's useless because alfred doesn't execute all queries in parallel: it waits for one to return before launching the next one.
  14. Bottom line is there aren't any pretty solution. Just a bunch of hacks. This needs to be an official feature.
  15. I couldn't get anything betted IMHO, but feel free to try it for yourself.
  16. You can observe this with my tv shows workflow (it also used to be in my piratebay workflow but we all know what happened there ...). For both of these, see my signature.
  17. Andrew has been very mysterious about the future of alfred. Any feature request or debate is met by a "I have some idea for the future of alfred" or something alike. I have turned to using separate daemon processes. Php has an integrated server (php -S localhost:8888), node too, and i'm assuming it's doable with all languages.
  18. Yeah I don't know how this URL sharing is supposed to work exactly... Here's a proper DL link: http://cl.ly/3F330l3o2W0j
  19. It's in the todo-list but quite far down. These days I like my tv shows workflow more
  20. Damn, I am lazy these days Hopefully someone with pressing and geeky needs does the work for me!
  21. This is interesting but limited. Are you planning on expanding it? Adding categories, possibility to copy magnet link, view top from category? Obviously I've had to start playing with the kickass .json api and it all seems doable
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