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Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Thanks for this excellent support, Vero. Before I saw this post I reindexed Spotlight, using Alfred's Advanced tab -- using terminal and also giving terminal permissions to delete the Spotlight-V100. I let the indexing run overnight (probably didn't take that long). This morning things seem to be back to normal.
  2. This seems to be a new issue for me. When I pop up Alfred and starting typing in something -- e.g., name of a Word document I've been working on, a folder, an application -- Alfred at first displays a Google search. Then a few seconds (2-3) later, it finally displays a list of documents, folders, etc that match what I've typed. After this, the list pops up instantly, as it always has in the past. I'm not sure how long it takes before the delay starts again. I'm on an M1 Mac mini, macOS 11.2.2, 16 GB memory, 1 TB storage. Latest version of Alfred.
  3. I'm using Alfred 4.0.5 and macOS 10.15. Workflow is attached. Hmmm... I'm not sure how to share the workflow. I've exported it but don't see how to upload it to this forum. My workflow is super simple. A hotkey and an Open File with Postbox app copied to the Open File so that the passed through Finder selection is opened in Postbox. But nothing happens. FWIW, when I trigger this workflow with logging on I get: [21:52:49.197] Open File[Hotkey] Processing complete [21:52:49.205] Open File[Hotkey] Passing output '' to Open File It seems to be passing nothing to Open File. But I do have a file selected in the Finder.
  4. Follow up to my own post: I also have and use KeyboardMaestro. So I tried recreating this as a macro. Same process: tell Finder to open the Finder selection in (in this case) Postbox. Same trigger (shift-command-backslash). It works fine. So this seems to be something with Alfred. I'm puzzled. It's probably my fault but I can't figure out how.
  5. I used to have a very simple workflow to Open a File, typically for sending a Finder selection to my email app as an attachment. It always worked in Mail, and in Postbox. I have a shortcut of shift-command-backslash. Always worked! Now it's not working. First, I deleted the shortcut, and I couldn't type the old shift-command-backslash. Was something else stealing the keystrokes? I couldn't find anything. And when I quit Alfred and typed the shortcut on a file, I get an error chirp sound. Meaning (I assume) macOS was telling it recognized what I was typing but didn't know how to do anything (this is in the Finder, with a selection). I deleted the workflow, created a new one -- Alfred now allowed me to type the old shift-command-backslash shortcut. But it does nothing (also no error chirp). No matter what application I chose to open the file, nothing works. If I choose Preview as the application to open the file, select a PDF in Finder, and type the shortcut, nothing happens. Etc. What am I missing here?
  6. I should add that I meant "worse" only in the visual sense. Everything works just fine of course (thanks Vero for pointing that this is now the actual location of the applications).
  7. That actually made it worse for me. Now I get apps in /System/Volumes/Data/Applications but NOT in the regular /Applications folder.
  8. If it helps, here is the debug report from the workflow of a becite for "Langacker" (no quotes in the original search). It looks like it's doing the search but then running into a problem. And it seems to only fail on this particular search, so I guess it's relating to one of the returned entries. Starting debug for 'Bookends Tools' [2018-01-29 19:22:35][ERROR: input.scriptfilter] JSON error: Unescaped control character around character 7145. in JSON: {"items": [ { "uid": "57630", "arg": "57630", "title": "Casad 1985", "subtitle": "Inside' and 'Outside' in Cora Grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "3324", "arg": "3324", "title": "Thompson 2013", "subtitle": "The eyes don’t point: Understanding language universals through person marking in American Signed Language", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "41918", "arg": "41918", "title": "Varriano 2006", "subtitle": "Caravaggio : the art of realism", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "67373", "arg": "67373", "title": "Langacker 1972", "subtitle": "Fundamentals of linguistic analysis", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "36784", "arg": "36784", "title": "Langacker 1979", "subtitle": "Grammar as image", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "45299", "arg": "45299", "title": "Langacker 1985", "subtitle": "Observations and speculations on subjectivity", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "69761", "arg": "69761", "title": "Langacker 1986", "subtitle": "An introduction to cognitive grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "64871", "arg": "64871", "title": "Langacker 1987", "subtitle": "Foundations of cognitive grammar: Volume I, Theoretical foundations", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "78109", "arg": "78109", "title": "Langacker 1987", "subtitle": "Nouns and verbs", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "74243", "arg": "74243", "title": "Langacker 1988", "subtitle": "An overview of cognitive grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "87204", "arg": "87204", "title": "Langacker 1988", "subtitle": "An overview of cognitive grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "54196", "arg": "54196", "title": "Langacker 1990", "subtitle": "Subjectification", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "75988", "arg": "75988", "title": "Langacker 1991", "subtitle": "Concept, image, and symbol: The cognitive basis of grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "37148", "arg": "37148", "title": "Langacker 1991", "subtitle": "Foundations of cognitive grammar. Volume II, Descriptive application", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "56899", "arg": "56899", "title": "Langacker 1993", "subtitle": "Reference-point constructions", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "80541", "arg": "80541", "title": "Langacker 1998", "subtitle": "Conceptualization, symbolization and grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "13027", "arg": "13027", "title": "Langacker 2000", "subtitle": "Grammar and conceptualization", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "65327", "arg": "65327", "title": "Langacker 2000", "subtitle": "Grammar and Conceptualization (Cognitive Linguistics Research, 14)", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "77272", "arg": "77272", "title": "Langacker 2000", "subtitle": "A Dynamic Usage-Based Model", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "74925", "arg": "74925", "title": "Langacker 2001", "subtitle": "Dynamicity in grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "51758", "arg": "51758", "title": "Langacker 2001", "subtitle": "Discourse in cognitive grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "71541", "arg": "71541", "title": "Langacker 2003", "subtitle": "Construction grammars: Cognitive, radical, and less so.", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "8594", "arg": "8594", "title": "Langacker 2006", "subtitle": "Subjectification, grammaticization, and conceptual archetypes", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "33122", "arg": "33122", "title": "Langacker 2007", "subtitle": "Constructing the meanings of personal pronouns", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "36662", "arg": "36662", "title": "Langacker 2008", "subtitle": "Cognitive grammar: A basic introduction", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "10627", "arg": "10627", "title": "Langacker 2009", "subtitle": "Investigations in cognitive grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "12027", "arg": "12027", "title": "Langacker 2013", "subtitle": "Interactive cognition: Toward a unified account of structure, processing, and discourse", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "48775", "arg": "48775", "title": "Romaine 2008", "subtitle": "The use of like as a marker of reported speech and thought: A case of grammaticalization in progress", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "29435", "arg": "29435", "title": "Young 2012", "subtitle": "He Said What?!\": Constructed Dialogue in Various Interface Modes", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "30960", "arg": "30960", "title": "Langacker 1975", "subtitle": "Functional stratigraphy", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "57482", "arg": "57482", "title": "Langacker 2009", "subtitle": "Cognitive (Construction) Grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "87618", "arg": "87618", "title": "Langacker 1999", "subtitle": "Double-subject constructions", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "40329", "arg": "40329", "title": "Langacker 2005", "subtitle": "Integration, Grammaticization, and Constructional Meaning", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "103209", "arg": "103209", "title": "Langacker 2017", "subtitle": "Evidentiality in cognitive grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "38907", "arg": "38907", "title": "Langacker 2016", "subtitle": "Baseline and elaboration", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "46835", "arg": "46835", "title": "Langacker 2013", "subtitle": "Modals: Striving for control", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "99130", "arg": "99130", "title": "Langacker 2016", "subtitle": "Nominal structure in cognitive grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "24297", "arg": "24297", "title": "Langacker 2016", "subtitle": "Working toward a synthesis", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "96826", "arg": "96826", "title": "Langacker 2016", "subtitle": "Nominal grounding and English quantifiers", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "78385", "arg": "78385", "title": "Langacker 2009", "subtitle": "A dynamic view of usage and language acquisition", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "88601", "arg": "88601", "title": "Langacker 2005", "subtitle": "Dynamicity, fictivity, and scanning", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "38850", "arg": "38850", "title": "Chen 2017", "subtitle": "A rating of perceived exertion scale using facial expressions for conveying exercise intensity for children and young adults", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "51190", "arg": "51190", "title": "Huang 2014", "subtitle": "Frowning and jaw clenching muscle activity reflects the perception of effort during incremental workload cycling", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "65172", "arg": "65172", "title": "Langacker 1999", "subtitle": "Losing control: grammaticization, subjectification", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "70801", "arg": "70801", "title": "Langacker 2003 ", "subtitle": "Extreme subjectification: English tense and modals", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "47149", "arg": "47149", "title": "Langacker 2011", "subtitle": "The English present: Temporal coincidence vs. epistemic immediacy", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "79954", "arg": "79954", "title": "Huang 2017", "subtitle": "The Design Features of Pictorial Face Design for Facilitating Exertion Perception", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "24906", "arg": "24906", "title": "Langacker 1987", "subtitle": "Nouns and verbs", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "89596", "arg": "89596", "title": "Langacker 1995", "subtitle": "Raising and transparency", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "29780", "arg": "29780", "title": "Langacker 2011", "subtitle": "Grammaticalization and cognitive grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "1442", "arg": "1442", "title": "Langacker 2003", "subtitle": "Constructions in cognitive grammar", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} }, { "uid": "10410", "arg": "10410", "title": "Langacker 2001", "subtitle": "Topic, subject, and possessor", "icon": {"path": "file.png"} } ]}
  9. Did the latest update to Bookends (13.0.5) slightly break this great workflow? It used to work fine for me, now stalls with the message "Searching database..." or just reverts to Google when it should do a search, for example with becite.
  10. Absolutely awesome!!!!!! I love it. Is there a way to REMOVE a tag or tickle date?
  11. Tested with Papers2 (as before, I had to Copy URL ... to get the app cache to refresh). Perfect!
  12. I use Papers2 as well. I'd like to hear more about what you're doing here, I don't quite understand. It would be great if the Send URL workflow could be used to send a URL to Papers2.
  13. That got it. Thanks! Great workflow!
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