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  1. Hey Guys, I was inspired to create my first workflow to open a new window in a specific Chrome Profile since I work between several profiles and have certain permissions in certain profiles. This simple workflow was inspired by @Balverine commenting on another Chrome profiles workflow that no longer works. How It Works This is a very simple workflow that will open different chrome profiles using a simple Alfred command. Each time you use the command, a new chrome browser window will open for the specified profile. The workflow is built with pre-defined arguments 1, 2 and 3. "cp 1" opens the first chrome profile (usually called "Default" by chrome), "cp 2" the second (called Profile 1 by chrome) and so on. [cmd arg] = [chrome profile name] cp 1 = Default cp 2 = Profile 1 cp 3 = Profile 2 This workflow will require some simple customization to function properly with your Chrome-assigned profile names IF they differ from the above or you want to change the associated argument (i.e. you want Profile 2 to open with cp 1) Find your Chrome Profile Name In the workflow, you will need to change the [Profile #] in each Run Script to match the Chrome-created profile name you want to open. The "profile name" used in this workflow is NOT the chrome profile name you created/defined; it is the name in the profile pathway and assigned by Chrome. To find the proper profile name for each Chrome Profile: Step 1: open chrome://version/ while in each Chrome profile you have Step 2: Find "Profile Path" and copy the end of the pathway: /Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile 5 In the above example, the proper profile name is: "Profile 5" Step 3: In the workflow, you will need to update the profile name in each /bin/zsh to match yours. For example, in the top /bin/zsh: /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --args --profile-directory="Default" changes to /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --args --profile-directory="Profile 5" I hope those of you will multiple profiles will find this useful and others will take it and improve on the functionality. I am not a coder so hopefully someone will expand this workflow to do a lot more things. Link to download: https://github.com/alexxonly/SimpleChromeProfiles
  2. Also available here: http://www.packal.org/workflow/alfred-chrome Introduction This workflow allows you to open a URL in Google Chrome. To trigger the workflow, type chrome or cr. Optionally you can add a URL. Between the results you will a list of profiles to use to open the URL (or simply to open a new window). If you hold the `Alt` key while selecting the result item, the window will be open using incognito mode. Installation Double click (or open in Alfred settings) the Alfred Chrome.alfredworkflow file. This workflow is for Alfred 3 only therefore it works on macOS 10.9+ (Mavericks and following). Uninstallation Remove the workflow via Alfred settings. Specifying a different flavor of Chrome If you use Canary version of Chrome or similar applications, like Chromium, you can instruct the workflow to use it. To do it: In the Workflows settings, select Alfred Chrome workflow. Open the Configure workflow and variables by clicking on the second icon on right section of the workflow header. Under the Workflow Environment Variables section, create a variable called ALFRED_CHROME_NAME and enter the same name you see in your Applications folder. Click on Save and you're good to go!
  3. Hi all, long time user of this workflow but now migrated onto a new machine and having some issues. I seem to be entirely unable to have Alfred 'know' the names of the profiles. Debugger is even showing: { "uid": "chrome-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-24a271a69727c7e59123222dccdaa0e5", "title": "Open new window using profile Person 2", "subtitle": "Open a new window in Google Chrome using profile Person 2", "arg": "\"/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome\" --profile-directory=\"Profile 4\"", "mods": { "alt": { "subtitle": "Open a new window in Google Chrome using profile Person 2 (in incognito)", "arg": "\"/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome\" --profile-directory=\"Profile 4\" --incognito", "mods": {} } } }, { "uid": "chrome-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-a3dbc3a44187d39b68c925680a1149f2", "title": "Open new window using profile Person 2", "subtitle": "Open a new window in Google Chrome using profile Person 2", "arg": "\"/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome\" --profile-directory=\"Profile 5\"", "mods": { "alt": { "subtitle": "Open a new window in Google Chrome using profile Person 2 (in incognito)", "arg": "\"/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome\" --profile-directory=\"Profile 5\" --incognito", "mods": {} } You can see, the profiles are all listed as "Person 2", even though it's pointing to `--profile-directory=\"Profile 4\"` Any ideas would be amazing!
  4. Currently Alfred 4.6.3 supports web bookmarks from Google Chrome. However, it asks the user to explicitly select which profile the bookmarks should be opened in. However, bookmarks are per profile. So Alfred should be able to open them in the appropriate profile automatically. Also, when it does suggest such bookmarks, it would be great if it would show the profile in which the bookmark is found, as there may be different bookmarks with the same name across different Google Chrome profiles…
  5. Usage type chromeprofile idea from https://github.com/Wit4r7/AlfredAutomations. Thanks Wit4r7 Requirement /usr/bin/python3 installed I am the author of the workflow. https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/tree/master/open-chrome-profile Screenshot @vitor hello, look forward to review it.
  6. Hi. How do I search for history in a separate chrome profile?
  7. Hello everyone! I wanted to attempt to create a workflow that does the following: Open a specific Google Chrome profile, wether or not google chrome is already open or not. I have tried this just in a bash script and never got the results I wanted..... This is what I was working off of: open -a Google\ Chrome --args --"profile-directory"="Profile 1 also tried /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --args --profile-directory=Default This is where i posted my original question: http://superuser.com/questions/759535/open-google-chrome-specific-profile-from-command-line-mac/759644#759644 So has anyone done this before, or have any ideas on how to create this into an alfred workflow? Thank you!
  8. I've made a workflow that you can open your google chrome by choosing the profile via email or account name. Also, you can choose the incognito mode as well. when you search the suggestions will also be shown Download here https://github.com/rkomu/Alfred-Google-Search-Profile If you want any other function let me know and I'll update the workflow
  9. Welcome @uziel, Glad you’re enjoying it! I’m not sure I fully understand your request because it’s not clear what exactly should happen. Maybe @Alan He’s Open Chrome Profile could get you what you want. It’s not really viable to just switch accounts from webpages because you’d need to automate the websites themselves. If that’s not it, please be more specific about what you’re looking for.
  10. Currently I've got quite a few custom Web Search items. Is it possible to associate them with a specific Google Chrome profile? From my POV it would be the simplest / nicest if there would be an additional field in the dialog for editing a Web Search item that allows me to select the Google Chrome profile (dropdown?) I guess it's also possible to use a Workflow, but I'm not sure I can make that as intuitive / simple as Web Search items (never used Workflows, really).
  11. I use various Google Chrome user profiles ("People", per Chrome's parlance) to keep my personal and work browser environments separate. This means that if I open a Google Docs link tied to work on my personal Chrome user profile, then it will say "You don't have access". I therefore have to always make sure my active Chrome window is of the profile for which I'm logged into an account of. At the same time, I have many simple Keyword --> Open URL workflows. How can I have an 'Open URL' action open not just in a specific browser, but a specific user profile of that browser? Is there a way to accomplish this?
  12. Hi There, On macOS 11.6 build 20G165 (on M1 laptop) with Alfred 4.6 Build 1266 there is a slight change in the running of workflows as it seems. I most note I also have Little Snitch version 5.3.1 installed. Little Snitch is an outbound firewall so to say for MacOS. Before I installed Alfred Build 4.6 and I ran my workflow "runChrome" which has options to run a new empty Chrome profile, ignore all TLS Errors and/or with a proxy for SSH port forward enabled this worked fine with Little Snitch as Little Snitch used the rules defined for Chrome. Now since Alfred 4.6, at least I think that's what triggered it, when I run Chrome via this workflow, Little Snitch is asking to grant outbound network access to Alfred instead of Chrome for the actual Chrome process/Window. My guess is that with Alfred 4.6 the way a script is launched from the workflow is different than the previous Alfred 4.5.1, almost like it's a full child process and doesn't get spawned as a more or less disconnected process. I did check to see if there was an option like this on the workflow, but I don't believe so. As I can't attach the workflow, here is the code, this all there is to the workflow and script. Please advice if something changed in 4.6, happy to debug / test further but would need some guidance how to do this in Alfred, as the log window for the workflow only said: Thanks in advance! Stijn Workflow: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>bundleid</key> <string>nl.sjc.runChrome</string> <key>category</key> <string>Productivity</string> <key>connections</key> <dict> <key>F89ECEC3-23A4-42A9-BDD2-694AE847EB41</key> <array> <dict> <key>destinationuid</key> <string>9452871A-321F-4B2B-9941-99CAF74D947C</string> <key>modifiers</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>modifiersubtext</key> <string></string> <key>vitoclose</key> <false/> </dict> </array> </dict> <key>createdby</key> <string>Stijn Jonker</string> <key>description</key> <string>Launch Chrome</string> <key>disabled</key> <false/> <key>name</key> <string>Run Chrome</string> <key>objects</key> <array> <dict> <key>config</key> <dict> <key>argumenttrimmode</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>argumenttype</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>fixedorder</key> <true/> <key>items</key> <string>[{"title":"Fresh","arg":"fresh","subtitle":"Fresh Incognito Profile"},{"title":"FreshProxy","arg":"freshproxy","subtitle":"Fresh Incognito Profile w\/ Proxy"},{"title":"FreshNoCert","arg":"freshnocert","subtitle":"Fresh Incognito Profile no cert check"},{"title":"FreshNoCertProxy","arg":"freshnocertproxy","subtitle":"Fresh Incognito Profile w\/ Proxy no cert check"},{"title":"Proxy","arg":"proxy","subtitle":"Normal Profile w\/ Proxy"}]</string> <key>keyword</key> <string>runchrome</string> <key>runningsubtext</key> <string></string> <key>subtext</key> <string>Which mode would you like to use?</string> <key>title</key> <string>RunChrome</string> <key>withspace</key> <true/> </dict> <key>type</key> <string>alfred.workflow.input.listfilter</string> <key>uid</key> <string>F89ECEC3-23A4-42A9-BDD2-694AE847EB41</string> <key>version</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> <dict> <key>config</key> <dict> <key>concurrently</key> <true/> <key>escaping</key> <integer>102</integer> <key>script</key> <string>/Users/sjcjonker/Documents/Scripts/AlfredChromeRun.sh {query}</string> <key>scriptargtype</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>scriptfile</key> <string></string> <key>type</key> <integer>0</integer> </dict> <key>type</key> <string>alfred.workflow.action.script</string> <key>uid</key> <string>9452871A-321F-4B2B-9941-99CAF74D947C</string> <key>version</key> <integer>2</integer> </dict> </array> <key>readme</key> <string></string> <key>uidata</key> <dict> <key>9452871A-321F-4B2B-9941-99CAF74D947C</key> <dict> <key>xpos</key> <integer>450</integer> <key>ypos</key> <integer>255</integer> </dict> <key>F89ECEC3-23A4-42A9-BDD2-694AE847EB41</key> <dict> <key>xpos</key> <integer>125</integer> <key>ypos</key> <integer>50</integer> </dict> </dict> <key>variablesdontexport</key> <array/> <key>version</key> <string>0.0.1</string> <key>webaddress</key> <string>www.sjc.nl</string> </dict> </plist> The (ugly) shell script called is: #/Users/sjcjonker/Scripts/AlfredRunChrome.sh {query} OPT=${1} # Any command in a pipe fails, then all fail # Unset variables are an error! set -u -o pipefail # Chrome CMDLine for proxy CHROMEBIN="/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome" # --incognito CHROMEOPT="--incognito --disable-logging --disable-notifications --bwsi --disable-infobars --no-default-browser-check" # Set chromedir CHROMEPROFILEDIR="/tmp/ChromeProfiles" if [ ! -d ${CHROMEPROFILEDIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${CHROMEPROFILEDIR}; fi MYTEMPBASE="RunChrome" MYTMPDIR=`mktemp -d -q ${CHROMEPROFILEDIR}/${MYTEMPBASE}.XXXXXX` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$0: Can't create temp directory, exiting..." exit 1 fi # Disable first run touch "${MYTMPDIR}/First Run" echo '{"browser": {"confirm_to_quit": false}}' > "${MYTMPDIR}/Local State" # Now run Chrome if [ "${OPT-}" == "fresh" ] ; then "${CHROMEBIN}" ${CHROMEOPT} --user-data-dir=${MYTMPDIR} elif [ "${OPT-}" == "freshproxy" ] ; then "${CHROMEBIN}" ${CHROMEOPT} --proxy-server=socks5:// --host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE" --user-data-dir=${MYTMPDIR} elif [ "${OPT-}" == "freshnocert" ] ; then "${CHROMEBIN}" ${CHROMEOPT} --user-data-dir=${MYTMPDIR} --ignore-certificate-errors elif [ "${OPT-}" == "freshnocertproxy" ] ; then "${CHROMEBIN}" ${CHROMEOPT} --user-data-dir=${MYTMPDIR} --ignore-certificate-errors -proxy-server=socks5:// --host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE" elif [ "${OPT-}" == "proxy" ] ; then "${CHROMEBIN}" --proxy-server=socks5:// --host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE" else "${CHROMEBIN}" fi # Delete profile dir rm -R "${MYTMPDIR}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$0: Can't remove temp directory, please check \"${MYTMPDIR}\"" exit 1 fi
  13. Hi guys, I am trying to open a specific chrome profile in a workflow. There is a commonly linked to workflow But this is for Alfred 3. Any help is appreciated!
  14. I would like to open the search query with specific Chrome profile, such as: "youtube Helloworld" so Alfred should open this query with my ABC profile in Chrome browser. Any ideas?
  15. Instead of mkdir, you should use mkdir -p otherwise the command may fail if intermediary directories are missing. And you should prefer with input as argv over with input as {query}, but in this case the {query} escaping should be good. The workflow fails is a profile does not have an image: ERROR: Open Chrome Profile[Script Filter] Code 1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/vm/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.E6E61391-7E9B-47B3-980C-1D19EF9F9966/main.py", line 21, in <module> filename = profil[str(item)]['last_downloaded_gaia_picture_url_with_size'].split("/")[-1] + ".png" KeyError: 'last_downloaded_gaia_picture_url_with_size' Also, since it just does one specific Chrome-related thing, could you use an icon which is not the official one? https://font2png.com is a good resource for creating fast icons. I recommend having a non-transparent background with rounded corners. Good to see you writing workflows in Python, though.
  16. I have two chrome instances with different profile opened, and I want to switch between them via workflow. The word switch means to make only one instance (or window) visible, while another not. And I don't want to quit Chrome entirely and launch a new instance when I want to switch, it'll be just too slow. Currently if one press cmd+H on either instance, both instances will be hidden. And commands like open -a 'Google Chrome' --args --profile-directory=Default will do nothing if there are at least one chrome instance is visible, and even worse, it'll not bring the focus to the Default profile in any case. I have found that hiding chrome will only hide those instances which is not in fullscreen, so if I set one of the instance into fullscreen, it may helps. So the question is: Is this possible with Alfred workflow?
  17. For those who absolutely must to have some shortcuts to open different Chrome profiles but can't use this Workflow extension, here is a little something that is very minimal but helps me navigate through my profile. You can create your own Alfred workflow, that triggers by an input with arguments. Link this trigger to a "Run Script Action" object. Configure the Script Action with the following snippet: query=$1 /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --args --profile-directory="Profile $query" This will take your first argument of the commend and append it to the "Profile " word. Now, I have list of profiles in my chrome that I would like to open. I simply associate them with numbers in my head (I don't have that much). To help you find the number of the profile, or as a matter of fact, an actual identifier of the profile in case you have something different that just Profile #number Open your Chrome profile, type in search bar "chrome://version" You will find the profile name and its path by: Profile Path /Users/<YOUR USER NAME HERE>/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile 1 So this number at the end is what I swap out when switching between profiles. Simple, quick hustle This by no means a production ready workflow, but for those who couldn't even try out the current workflow due to the error above and need some solutions. This what it looks like for me in the end CHROME: And SCRIPT:
  18. @wit4r7 Thank you for the patience, this is almost ready to be added. Three small changes are needed: There is no bundle ID in the workflow. You can use app.alfred.wit4r7.openchromeprofiles.The Placeholder Title in the Script Filter is in lowercase. It should be Open Chrome profile or Open Chrome Profile.You can improve the workflow significantly by editing the Script Filter and:Changing it to Argument Optional.Ticking the Alfred Filters Results box. Without code, these two changes will turn the list of profiles into a filter.The first one is really the one which is necessary, though since it has to be done, the other two are low effort and make a difference.
  19. @HRD We've had a look at your diagnostics, and Alfred is operating normally and the preferences are being saved. Alfred will automatically disable the Google Chrome bookmarks option if no valid Google Chrome profile is being found to prevent this being checked every time the feature is used. As Alfred's Diagnostics doesn't provide us information outside of his own data (to protect your privacy), I can't tell you what is wrong with your Google Chrome profile. The issue is usually as simple as Alfred not having read access to the data (which is why I previously suggested re-checking full disk access), but as you've already checked this, there is likely an issue with Google Chrome's data. If you're able to establish the profile issue with your Google Chrome profile - perhaps by creating a new user profile - you should then be able to see your GC bookmarks in Alfred once again.
  20. Hi, I really enjoy Alfred and wonder if it's possible that Bookmark search supports multiple Chrome Profiles. Bookmark search result is opened in its associated Chrome profile. I imagine it'd be a great enhancement in terms of user experience. And easily doable, as Chrome supports this on command line: open -nb com.google.Chrome --args --profile-directory="Profile 1" <bookmark url> Regards, Loyal Alfred user.
  21. Hey team, I created some custom workflows that used the "open link" action from the GUI but now when I turn my mac on and I open the workflow before doing anything else chrome doesn't open the links. I tried adding an action step to open the chrome application first but this didn't solve the issue. The only way I can get it to work is to click the chrome icon in my taskbar so that the "choose profile" page comes up and then when I run the workflow it opens the links in chrome. Is there a way to solve this? I tried updating alfred but this didn't solve the issue. I'm on Alfred 5.0.2. If you need to see any more information please let me know what, I'm a bit of a noob, I attached a copy of the beginning of the workflow. Thanks!
  22. Hi@n3bulous@Bemawr@addo.zhang - Sorry to HiJack this thread...BUT..."Where can I find the PROFILE for Safari?" I need to set the env variable in the workflow because out-of-the-box the workflow isn't working. Something similar to where I have set the PROFILE for chrome history that is available via chrome, https://chrome://version/ Any ideas? Thx!
  23. This one allows you to search across your Chrome profiles for bookmarks, open it in the designated browser & profile, support incognito mode, etc. Here is the NPM page: https://www.npmjs.com/package/alfred-search-bookmark
  24. This will be live soon at https://alfred.app/workflows/alanhe/open-chrome-profile/. Another note: you have turned on “Alfred Filters Results” but then set the Keyword to “No Argument”. That won’t produce any results. Change it to “Argument Optional” and you get filtering for free.
  25. 1. modify to mkdir -p 2. use arg instead of query 3. consider last_downloaded_gaia_picture_url_with_size not exist 4, logo change This logo, do you think it is okay? https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/tree/master/open-chrome-profile
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