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  1. Has anyone created a workflow for the Wikibot app? That'd be cool. Joel
  2. Select a file in Finder and hit your hotkey. Adds the date to the filename before the suffix E.g. Item Name.xxx -> Item Name-03-25-2013.xxx Add Date To Filename.alfredworkflow Default date format changed to YYYYMMDD per advice from atadams. Now: Item Name.xxx -> Item Name-20130523.xxx v1.1: Add Date To Filename.alfredworkflow
  3. I wanted to make a workflow that would easily allow me to make screen capture videos with QuickTime Player. I set up a workflow containing two "Keyword to AppleScript to Notification" 1) has keyword "screencast" that runs the following AppleScript on alfred_script(q) tell application "QuickTime Player" activate start new screen recording end tell tell application "Finder" to set visible of process "QuickTime Player" to false end alfred_script then outputs a notification that says "Recording..." 2) has keyword "stop" that runs the following AppleScript on alfred_script(q) tell application "QuickTime Player" to stop document "screen recording" end alfred_script then outputs a notification that says "Finished recording." I want to be able to associate those two keywords, where the second keyword "stop" requires the first keyword "screencast" to have been used first. Typing "stop" into the Alfred window would not display a result unless "screencast" had been used first.
  4. Alfred 2 Source Tree Workflow to list, search, and open Source Tree repositories in Alfred. Web Link for a better view: http://zhaocai.github.com/alfred2-sourcetree-workflow A. Keywords: st: List and query source tree repositories. Feedbacks are cached. use st ! {query} to refresh. stbookmark: Open query to source bookmark window. B. Modifier Key ⌘ : Reveal in Finder alt : Browser in Alfred Installation Two ways are provided: You can download the Source Tree.alfredworkflow and import to Alfred 2. This method is suitable for regular users. You can git clone or fork this repository and use rake install and rake uninstall to install. Check rake -T for available tasks. This method create a symlink to the alfred workflow directory: "~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows". This method is suitable for developers.
  5. I cannot figure out how to do this. I've created a trigger and an action to "run script" and pasted the script in there. How do I link them? Am I on the right track even? In Alfred 1 I just used the global hotkeys feature.
  6. I updated the Alfred v1 Adium extensions from Joel Gillman to work with v2 workflows. Currently, you can go online, go offline, set yourself as available, or set a custom away status. You can download the full set of extensions here.
  7. First off--I'm a n00b with Alfred. I have read the help topics and googled, but am still at a loss, so I apologize in advance if I am missing something simple. But I am unable to see any file actions when I search in Alfred. For example, I downloaded the workflow offered here (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/783-favorite-folders/) to be able to create a list of favorite folders. The workflow is imported and the very first action is a 'File Action' to 'Add to Favorites'. But when I search on a folder that I want to add to my Favorites list, I don't see any file actions listed like I understand that I should according to the screenshot in this help topic (http://support.alfredapp.com/workflows:config:triggers-file-action). As I understand it, I should have a list of file actions at the bottom of the window that allow me, in this case, to add one of the folders in my search result to my list of Favorites. A screenshot of what I am seeing instead is pasted below. If anyone could please help point me in the right direction, I would be most appreciative! Thank you! https://www.dropbox.com/s/jsuau4bcu0dwae2/AlfredScreenShot.jpg
  8. Hi all, I've created a workflow for interacting with a Jenkins CI instance. Currently it only supports fetching the status of the builds but I'm planning on expanding this to getting the health of the builds, starting builds and some other neat features. You can download it from here, or you can check out the GitHub repository here. When you've installed it in Alfred, be sure to set the correct URL to your Jenkins CI instance via: Alfred > Preferences > Workflows > Jenkins > Script Filter And then entering the correct URL in the "Script" box. Be sure to let me know (either here or on GitHub) if you run into any issues, or if you have any ideas! * project names and statuses added for illustrative purposes
  9. Simple Workflow that starts an incognito Google Chrome session. For this to work Google Chrome is NOT to be active when using the keyword (= must be completely turned off!) Download: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/677787/alfredworkflows/Google%20Chrome%20Incognito.alfredworkflow
  10. The `arg` part of a script filter's result (the bit passed on as {query}) is oddly an XML attribute instead of an element. This makes it harder to pass on newlines in results--they just turn into spaces. The trick is to escape the newlines as an entity reference like: Most XML escape functions won't do that automatically, so you probably need to it yourself. Possibly double-quotes too. The best thing I came up with in Python is: from xml.sax.saxutils import escape safe_arg = escape(any_crazy_text, {'"': '"', '\n': ' '} ) I'd be happy to hear that there's a simpler way. Just passing this on since it stumped me at first.
  11. I liked the V1 extension empty Downloads folder by Sebastian Hallum Clarke so I adapted it to a V2 workflow. Get it from Seb's page here. Thanks to Seb! -Stew
  12. Hi All, I've just started tinkering with Workflows after finally buying the Powerpack. The first idea that came to my head was to setup a quick trigger to run the show/hide hidden files command in Terminal. Very useful when you're looking .htaccess files etc - and it saves me googling the command every time I want to run it. At the moment I've got two separate workflows - one for hiding, one for showing. Set up on different keywords hiddenhide and hiddenshow. That works fine, but it doesn't seem very elegant. I ideally wanted to combine them into a single Workflow I could run using a parameter. I just couldn't work out how to do it. Ideally I'm thinking using 'hidden show' 'hidden hide' wrapped in one workflow would be much neater. I'm sure I've missed something obvious. Any ideas?
  13. This is a workflow that you won’t use often, but when you do need it, it will solve a common Finder annoyance. Ever right-click a file, choose Open With… and Finder presents all the applications that can open that file, only many of them are duplicates (see image below)? Activate this workflow with rdcmi, wait a few seconds and all those duplicate entries are removed. Find more information here. Download the workflow here. I keep my small collection (more coming) of Workflows/Extensions here. ---------- :: Steven "Doc" Combs, Ph.D. :: http://www.docstechnotes.com :: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/DocsTechNotes
  14. Years ago, I wrote a little word game puzzle called Lingo, and this is my attempt to bring that over to Alfred. It's based on a TV show I used to watch even more years ago Lingo is a word game that gives you 5 chances to guess a 5-letter word, given a hint of two letters to start with. Every guess you make, you will be shown two further hints If the position of a letter in your guess matches exactly the position of the same letter in the word to find out If a letter that you have in your guess word goes to another position in the word to find out Here is an example: Initally the hint was _ _ V _ S First attempt, we tried hello. E is there in the word, and so is O but they are not in the right position, so they are marked with brackets Second attempt, we tried trial - none of the letters are there in the hidden word, so no luck Third try, we had elves, of which VES matched the right position in the hidden word ... and so on (hope you get the idea) Download the game workflow and give it a go. Usage difficulty to set level of difficulty you want in terms of word selection lingo to start a new game try to play a current game in progress NOTE This uses a word list file internally (which I got from a corpus site on the Internet - don't remember where now), and while I have tried to sanitize this a bit and remove any offensive words, please bear in mind that there can still be stuff in there and please let me know in case anything pops up!
  15. Guest

    AirPlay via Beamer

    Hi, this is my first workflow. The idea of this is of matias. This Workfow runs with "keyword and File Filter" and "File Action". The command is: "ap <filename>". Download: https://github.com/BennySamir/Alfred-Workflows/raw/master/AirPlay%20via%20Beamer/Airplay%20via%20Beamer.alfredworkflow github: https://github.com/BennySamir/Alfred-Workflows tips and suggestions for improvement are always welcome.
  16. tell application "System Events" set theText to name of current user end tell display dialog theText default answer "" with hidden answer set the adminpass to the text returned of the result tell application "Finder" set iconPath to (get name of startup disk) & ":Applications:Utilities:Boot Camp Assistant.app:Contents:Resources:DA.icns" as alias end tell do shell script "bless -mount /Volumes/BOOTCAMP/ -legacy -setBoot -nextonly; shutdown -r now" password adminpass with administrator privileges I have this applescript that restarts into windows and prompts for admin password before it does so. I can't figure out why it works in the applescript editor perfectly fine, but when run through alfred it doesnt prompt for the password or run at all....thoughts?
  17. This should be the simplest workflow ever devised. I wanted to simply be able to select a file in my downloads folder or a DMG, wake Alfred up and type "install" and the workflow would simply copy the selected .app file to your /Applications folder. I've tried a few different ways, but I think the right way is a file filter followed by a script. So I have a file filter set up to take only application files, and I have a script that executes: "cp -R {query} /Applications/" I thought it could be a permissions thing, so I'd need "sudo cp -R {query} /Applications/", but wasn't sure if Alfred could handle sudo, so I switched to doing "cp -R {query} ~/Applications/" but still nothing. Incidentally, if I run "cp -R SomeCool.app /Applications/" in the terminal, it works like a champ, no sudo needed. If anyone could shed some light on where my thinking is flawed (in relation to this workflow, not in general) it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  18. I put this workflow together this evening and thought I would share. Version 1 simply retrieves information about your Nest and displays it. I plan on adding the ability to control the thermostat and set temperatures in later versions. To use Set your username with the keyword: nestusername {username} Set your password with the keyword: nestpassword {password} To view thermostat info: ntemp The workflow will display the current thermostat temperature, humidity and status of AC, heat, fan, leaf. Version 1.1 Workflow GitHub Project Page Changelog 1.1 Fixed authentication for some users 1.0 Initial workflow
  19. I post this on a wrong category today, sorry... here it is again. I want to open Alfred and type radio and see a list of online radio stations to choose from (custom URLs of web radio streaming that I will put there myself) click on any of them and start listening. can I do that?
  20. Hi there, This workflow request follows some discussion with Vero here. My wish would be that the contact filter from Andrew passes through the workflow an argument which I can use in AppleScript. It currently passes the full path of the contact file, from which I can easily get the id of the person, but I can't get my script to get infos from this ID. Thanks to this ID (or anything else), I'd like to get for instance the birth date of the selected contact (as it is not displayed in the Contact Viewer ). This last part of the script is not a problem to me. The problem is the connection between the selected contact and the AppleScript. I hope I'm making it clear enough Thanks for your help!
  21. I´ve just made my first workflow. It´s just a simple workflow which turns on or off Airplay mirroring based on a keyword input. I am sure that the workflow can be tweaked and improved a lot. And if anyone is up for it, then please go ahead and make it great http://cl.ly/NeL1
  22. Please somebody HELP !! I desperately need these workflows and I can't find them anywhere : A workflow to search my GMAIL CONTACTS (yeah so it opens online) A workflow to search Mac OSX NOTES A workflow to search my online Google DRIVE I am no good at scripting anything other than a sheetmusic, so pleasssse I need your help, oh great great alfred gurus BabaOo
  23. I've built a little workflow that opens the Mac App Store and searches for the query. --- Update --- Another update, you can now change the search language by using the "interactive preferences". By default, the US store is searched. Change this by entering 'apps-pref lang <new language>' into Alfred. Get the new version here: http://cl.ly/2q3K1L1L3m1h Github repository: https://github.com/Ahti/alfred-appstore-search
  24. I created an applescript to interact with Outlook messages that I'm launching with a hot key in a workflow as an osascript: on run {} tell application "Microsoft Outlook" -- listSelectedItems : a list of all items selected in Entourage set listMessages to current messages -- Check to make sure items are selected, if not then quit if ((count of listMessages) < 1) then return repeat with eachMessage in listMessages move eachMessage to folder "Local Archive" end repeat end tell end run The script archives the messages as designed, but it pops the Alfred window each time. I didn't have this problem in v1 with an applescript.
  25. Hi, I was wondering if anyone was willing to write up an intro to workflow programming? I see it accepts a lot of languages, and I know PHP/MySQL, Ruby, some Ojective-C and whatnot, but I don't know how to leverage those languages to interact with Alfred in a workflow. Any help or recommendations you have for getting started with programming some more complex workflows are appreciated.
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