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  1. Hi, This workflow adds a File Action to allow for sending a document to your default printer. Eg: send a document to printer, print selected files. It takes an Automator workflow and runs it like so /usr/bin/automator ./print-selected.workflow download here https://github.com/fxjkhr/alfred-workflows/blob/master/print-selected.alfredworkflow
  2. Hello Alfred users, I created a new Alfred workflow, or better said file action, called alfred-ffprobe. It displays information about selected video files. Github alfred-ffprobe Alfred 3 workflow to display an information about various video files. Installation Install the ffprobe to you MacOS. You could do it for example by using Homebrew and installing ffmpeg package. brew install ffmpeg Install alfred-ffprobe wokflow. Usage Select a video file in finder and invoke the alfred file actions ⌃⌘\. Choose the Analyze media file in displayed menu and the information about selected video will be shown.
  3. I would love to be able to directly access all of Alfred's default file actions in my workflows. @Andrew recently added some awesome new actions for the buffer - and, Alfred already included some of the other default file actions, like Reveal and Browse - but I'd love to be able to access other default file actions, too - such as Open With, Recent Documents, etc. At the moment, if you want to access these without extra steps, you have to use GUI-based approaches that type the file action's name into the File Action panel, which are always imminently fragile and problematic. There are a variety of ways this could be implemented, but here are some early thoughts: Create a new action, in the Actions section - perhaps called Run File Action - where the user can use a drop down to select the file action they would like to run on the file paths that are being passed to it. You might think of it as a more specific application of the "Action in Alfred" action. At a minimum, the dropdown should be populated by whatever file actions the user has enabled (Features > Actions > File Actions). However, if you wanted to get fancy, it'd be even better if the dropdown included both Alfred's file actions AND any the user has created. In theory, the dropdown might operate something like Alfred's "Call External" output, except that it is displaying Alfred's default file actions and any the user created. Add a new option in the "Action in Alfred" action, which includes a dropdown allowing the user to specify the action that will be run on the file paths included above. The dropdown could operate like either of the options described above (just default file actions or include the user's file actions, too). Unless the user enables this option, of course, the default would be to send the file paths to Alfred's File Actions panel, allowing the user to select for themselves (i.e., the same way they do now). Add a new option to the "Call External Trigger" output that allows the user to access Alfred's default file actions Provide AppleScript access - enhance this existing "actions" command. Example: tell application "Alfred" to action OpenWith theFilePaths If I had to choose from these options, I'd probably go with the first or second option. But I honestly don't care how it gets accomplished! And, while I didn't include it above, if you really wanted to step things up, I would include some kind of error feedback mechanism - such as a notification, etc - for when users pass file paths to file actions they should not have - such as when they've passed more than one file to an action that can only handle one file, or when the file action is tied to a specific file type that does not match the files the user is trying to pass to it. Again, these are just fancy bells and whistles, I'm not picky here!! @Andrew Is there any way we can get better access to Alfred's default file actions? 🙏 They're great, and I'd like to start tapping in to these more - as opposed to trying to recreate them myself, in a workflow, or going to GUI route. As always, thanks for your consideration! Long Live Alfred!!
  4. Alfred Base64 Direct download: Encode:Decode Base64.alfredworkflow GitHub Link: Alfred Base64 README file: located here License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Packal: Alfred Base64 This is a simple workflow that allows you to covert files to/from base 64 using an Alfred file action. Here are some screenshots to demonstrate: Installation: Download the latest release from the above link and double-click to install. Usage: Simply activate the Alfred file actions menu and type "Encode Base64" or "Decode Base64" Attributions: Icon adopted from "restart by Alice Design from the Noun Project" Compatibility: This workflow uses the base64 utility that has come with Mac OS X since v10.7 (released in 2011), so as long as you've updated in the last decade this workflow should function fine. 🙂 Notes: This is my first public workflow post (but not the last 😉), so if I missed something or did something wrong please let me know so I can fix it for next time. Thanks!
  5. Hi, I'm a PowerPack user and am running into issues with the following scenario: (Steps to reproduce) 1. Search a file in Alfred and trigger a file action on the selected file (by clicking the arrow key "->"). 2. Choose "Copy to ..." 3. Choose a target directory and hit enter. 4. After the file action is completed, there will be a notification from Mac's notification center. 5. Clicking on "Show" button has no response at all. Please see the attached screenshot. I'm expecting to see the copied file in the target directory when clicking on the "Show" button. Or did I misunderstand anything? OS: macOS Big Sur 11.2.3 Alfred: 4.3.2 (Build 1221) Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks in advance!
  6. Typinator Set Converter File action for converting Typinator sets to Alfred snippet collections Download | GitHub The workflow supports only Typinator sets exported as plain text files. (.tyset and .typubset are proprietary binary formats and cannot be read) When converting Typinator snippets, the workflow replaces Typinator’s cursor marker {^} with Alfred’s cursor placeholder {cursor}. Other Typinator markers are not supported. The workflow uses OneUpdater for automatic updates. Usage Select one or more Typinator snippet sets exported as plain text files Invoke Alfred’s file actions pane ( ⌥⌘\ ) Select “Convert Typinator Sets” Press ↵ Options The workflow supports the following configuration options, which are set using its environment variables: customicon Use the workflow’s custom icon for created snippet collections (enabled by default) dontautoexpand Disable automatic expansion for all snippets dontcompress Do not compress the folder containing the converted snippets. This option may be useful, if you want to make some manual changes to converted snippets. (To compress manually, just zip the folder and change its extension from “zip” to “alfredsnippets”) noprefix Do not use any prefixes for converted sets. Even if all keywords in a set have the same prefix, they will remain unchanged, and no prefix will be added to this set’s preferences. nosuffix Do not use any suffixes for converted sets. Even if all keywords in a set have the same suffix, they will remain unchanged, and no suffix will be added to this set’s preferences. prefix Force the specified prefix for all converted snippet sets. The specified prefix will be added to the preferences of converted snippet sets. If a snippet keyword has the specified prefix, it will be removed from the keyword. For example, if you set the prefix to “//”, then “//keyword” will become “keyword”. suffix Force the specified suffix for all converted snippet sets. The specified suffix will be added to the preferences of converted snippet sets. If a snippet keyword has the specified suffix, it will be removed from the keyword. For example, if you set the suffix to “//”, then “keyword//” will become “keyword”). All the configuration variables, except “prefix” and “suffix”, are “pseudo-Boolean”: “True”, “yes” or “1” are case-insensitively interpreted as “true” Any other value or no value means “false”
  7. This workflow sends selected files to a Dropshelf. Dropshelf keeps links to files (and other bits) in a temporary by persistent "shelf" at the edge of the screen. It is very handy for dragging files and clippings between applications and screens. This workflow: Sends selected files in finder to a new Dropshelf with ⇧+⌘+D Adds a Send to Dropshelf File Action to Alfred It requires Dropshelf App from http://pilotmoon.com/dropshelf/ Download the Workflow from here.
  8. Hi, I build a shell script using pdftk and pdfjam to arrange a PDF file as 2 pages on 1 (same page on left and right of the new page): #! bin/bash fullfile="$1" outfile=${fullfile/.pdf/ (2 auf 1).pdf} /opt/local/bin/pdftk A="$fullfile" B="$fullfile" shuffle A1-end B1-end output ~/.temp/out.pdf /Library/TeX/texbin/pdfjam --nup 2x1 ~/.temp/out.pdf --landscape --a4paper --outfile "$outfile" rm ~/.temp/out.pdf It works fine if I call ist from the Terminal like this: sh 2on1_test.sh ~/Desktop/2-auf-1/a3h.pdf But it doesn't work as part of my file action in Alfred. I set up the Script to use argv. When using the script I only get the Notification but no new PDF file. You can find the workflow here: https://tf.tobiw.de/2on1.alfredworkflow I’m using Alfred v3.8 [959] with macOS 10.14.3 on a MacBook Pro 2016. I hope you can help me what I did wrong or what I can do to debug this … Cheers, Tobi
  9. That’s my first ‘real’ workflow made to ease my everyday job workflow. Hope you will benefit from it too. What that file action does is to simply copy the name of selected folder(s) or file(s). Of course workflow works not only in Alfred File Viewer but everywhere you can select files using for example the Hotkey. → DOWNLOAD Changelog: 1.6: and again I have rewrote my workflow – now in Python it does finally support copying multiple file/folder names! 1.5: completely rewritten version now uses only bash script (4 lines of code) so it's faster allows for copying filename with its extension or without (in Run Script section delete "#" in text "#filename=${filename%.*}" this version does not support multiple file/folder names copying. If you need such option download version 1.1.1 (download link above) 1.1.1: allows for multiple file/folder names copying (only when used outside Alfred – in Finder, Forklift, etc.). Thanks for Carlos-Sz for modyfing this script! 1.1: when copying file names, file's extension is cut off 1.0: initial release
  10. I love using Alfred to browse folders, and would like to extend the same functionality to other types of files. Is there a way to create a File Action that triggers Alfred's Browse feature for the folder housing whatever file has been selected from the search results? For example, let's say that I have a folder on my desktop called "Folder 1" that houses several PDFs. When using Alfred, if one of the PDFs came up in my search results, I'd love to use a file action on that PDF to effectively trigger Alfred's browse function on Folder 1. In an ideal world, it might operate something like the "reveal in finder" file action, except that it would do the same thing within Alfred's file browser (placing you within the parent folder and highlighting the file/folder/etc that you selected, so that you know where the file is located in the folder). However, I'd settle for the file action that just opens the parent folder. I created a simple File Action trigger, and attached the Browse in Alfred action. However, it passes the full file path to the browser - showing the parent folder, but narrowed only to the selected file. Is there a way to create a file action that works like the ones described above? In the simplest iteration, I'd need to pass the folder structure to a Browse in Alfred action (i.e., without the file name). Using the example above, if I selected "filename1.pdf" from my search results (/Users/username/Desktop/Folder 1/filename1.pdf), I'd need a way to pass only the following path to Alfred's Browser: /Users/username/Desktop/Folder 1/. In other words, how do I get from /Users/username/Desktop/Folder 1/filename1.pdf to only /Users/username/Desktop/Folder 1/ ?? Does anybody know how to do this (or the more complicated - reveal in Finder, like version described above)? As always, thanks for your help!
  11. Hi, I wasn't able to find the answer to the following question online: I created a workflow for sharing links from google drive. It's basically a File Action followed by a python script that uses this library. I'm then copying the resulting link to the clipboard. Now, I would like to be able to select some options before the script is run and go to a second scree where I could select access rights (e.g., owner/writer/commenter/reader). In the same way that you can select "Open with..." with File Action and then select an application: In other words, how can I have the user select some options (i.e., add "..." at the end of the command) before the script is run? Thank you in advance!
  12. Hi, have a file action to convert gifs to mp4 using ffmpeg: ffmpeg -f gif -i {query} -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 -movflags +faststart -filter:v crop='floor(in_w/2)*2:floor(in_h/2)*2' ~/Desktop/converted_file.mp4 This works perfectly with the terminal command but I want it to run it as a script so it doesn't opens a terminal window. Do I have to change anything? The way it it's not working. Thanks in advance for your help!
  13. Hello everyone, i more often browser through folders via Alfred and find myself wanting to press ⌘ + A to select all filtered files like in this case: Just to drag and drop then for instance into a Mail. I know i can use the mail action for that but not when I'm in a Browser or when i want to just Drag and Drop them quick all together and not one by one. Maybe there is already another way idk but this would be awesome to have. Cheers, Frozen
  14. Hello, Is there a way to limit the File Scope for a File Action (as you can with a File Filter)? I'd like to have the File Action only appear on the file action list when within a specific folder. Specifically, I have a workflow that uses System Events to right-click on "View on Dropbox.com" for files/folders in my Dropbox. I set up a filter so that performing my file action on non-Dropbox files does nothing, but I'd ideally like to remove the File Action altogether for non-Dropbox folders. Is this possible? Thank you!
  15. Enable limiting the File Scope for a File Action (as you can with a File Filter). I'd like to have the File Action only appear on the file action list when within a specific folder. See related post:
  16. It'd be cool to have the option to search kMDItemContentTypeTree instead of kMDItemContentType in File Filters and File Actions. That way, it'd be possible to use UTIs like public.movie and public.audio instead of having to drag a dozen different files to the File Types box (VLC actually exports 20 filetypes that conform to public.movie). It also wouldn't matter if some application decides to redefine the UTI for .mkv or .opml files (again). It would also enable File Actions like "Tidy XML" to work on XML files that don't have the UTI public.xml but include it in their hierarchy, such as .opml, .xhtml, .opf etc.
  17. Try to use file action to the example dynamic file search workflow as in http://d.pr/i/NsC9+ However, it does not work. Also, anything I type is repeated in the query box like in http://d.pr/i/J4nB+. I type test and it become tteesstt Any idea? Thanks.
  18. Hello guys, Im trying to figure out how to add a "copy file" option in file action list, anybody knows how? The reason, I do have a lot of apps support directly paste in files, to send/share/upload/sync whatever different kinds of functions. I found it really handy to just copy files I need, then paste them in the app windows. both "copy to" and "copy file path" works in a different way, just need to copy the file it self. So, anyone help is really appreciated edit: this just came into my mind: could there also be a "preview" in this option list? that would be really speed things up, at least for me:-)
  19. Just wondering, is there any way to restrict file types in the File Action trigger? For example, "show for all types of files EXCEPT folders"
  20. To New Folder Overview Alfred File Action to move or copy selected files into a new folder. You can also use it to only create a new folder. Suggested by roza. How to use it select files in Alfred browser select “To New Folder” action type the new folder name select Move, Copy or New Folder (see screenshot above) Download Version 1.0 Release date: 20 Apr 2013 Supports Alleyoop 2 Download now
  21. Although this seems like a complicated workflow, it isnt. This is mainly for icon designers. When you create an ".icns" file for the mac (which contains 1024px, 512px, 256px, 32px and 16px versions) and save the file (with icon composer for instance), the file's icon stays on the normal ".icns" file. This means you can't copy the icon and paste it in another file/folder. Some website tell you to open the .icns in preview, select and copy from there… THIS IS WRONG! it only copies the current resolution in preview, but not all versions. If you look at your finder icons, you will see they aren't the same when in list view or icon view! That's because in list view, icons are tiny and thus would not look great with a big resolution icon File action on ".icns" files Keyword "selficon" for currently select file in finder Download: http://d.pr/f/mPRy
  22. I just created this workflow to get video duration times from a video file that I can just paste into a document. Maybe someone else would like it as well. https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred/blob/master/VideoTime.alfredworkflow?raw=true
  23. This workflow generates some useful checksums from file contents. It is implemented as file action which makes it easy to use! It works pretty nice with my "Last changed files" workflow and also can be used to checksum a file in finder by setting a hotkey to the "File Selection" in "Find File". You can download it here: https://github.com/oderwat/alfredworkflows/raw/master/Checksums.alfredworkflow My other workflows are here: https://github.com/oderwat/alfredworkflows Versions: V1.0 - Initial releases
  24. This workflow launches Ironic Software's free Tagit app for quickly adding OpenMeta tags to anything in OS X. Out of the box you can use the hotkey ⇧⌘T (Shift+Command+T) to launch the tagging window on the selected file anywhere in Finder. The Workflow also adds a file action to Alfred. Works nicely with Corentin Cras-Méneur's OpenMeta search workflow. I've been tagging Applications then searching by tags like "writing" and "finance" to choose not by name, but by function. Download Open in Tagit.alfredworkflow
  25. Hi everyone. During the beta period I created a workflow with a number of file actions in it. I could have sworn that these workflow file actions were available for selected files in Finder (when using the File selection hot key) as well as via Alfred's own file navigation system. However now (using Alfred v2.01 (173)) the file actions are only appearing for files in the Alfred file navigation and not for selected files in Finder (when the File selection hot key is used). So ... did I have a moment of confusion late one night and just imagine that workflow file actions can apply to Finder files? Assuming I didn't just imagine it ... Am I missing a setting somewhere in Alfred to enable such actions? Is this a bug? Has this functionality intentionally been taken out of the final release (e.g. to be added in a later release)? Thanks. Stephen.
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