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  1. Context I am trying to create a simple workflow which outputs a list of common git commands with a basic explainer in the subtext. To import my list I created the following csv file "git config","Set configuration options such as user name and email. It's done once at the setup of git.","git config --global user.name USERNAME" "git init","Create an empty Git repository in the specified directory. Initial step to start a new project.","git init REPO_NAME" "git clone","Create a local copy of a remote repository. Necessary to start working locally on the project.","git clone REPO_URL" "git add","Add files to the staging area in preparation for a commit. Done after making changes to the working directory.","git add FILE_NAME" "git status","Display the state of the working directory and the staging area. It helps to see what changes are staged for commit.","git status" "git commit","Record changes to the repository with a message. This comes before making a pull request.","git commit -m COMMIT_MESSAGE" "git branch","List, create, or delete branches in the repository. Used to work on features or fixes in isolation.","git branch BRANCH_NAME" "git checkout","Switch between branches or restore files to the working directory. Used to switch the context.","git checkout BRANCH_NAME" "git merge","Combine changes from one branch into another. Used to integrate changes made in a branch.","git merge SOURCE_BRANCH" "git pull","Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch. Keep your branch up-to-date with the remote repository.","git pull REMOTE_NAME BRANCH_NAME" "git push","Update remote references along with associated objects. Send your commits to the remote repository.","git push REMOTE_NAME BRANCH_NAME" "git log","Show the commit logs. View the history of the repository.","git log" "git stash","Temporarily save changes that you don’t want to commit immediately. Useful to clean working directory.","git stash save STASH_NAME" "git remote","Manage the set of remotes. Useful for adding remote repositories.","git remote add REMOTE_NAME REMOTE_URL" "git diff","Show changes between the working directory and the index or between two branches. Useful for reviewing code changes.","git diff SOURCE_BRANCH TARGET_BRANCH" The main output is a Copy to Clipboard action. An alternative action is a search to the https://git-scm.com website Problem My problem is that the subtext is too long, so the explanation is truncated. I was then thinking of passing the CSV to the list filter as a series of a series of arguments separated by a newline, allowing me to recapture them on output and sending them to a large type output. Is that possible somehow or do I need to switch to a script filter?
  2. Hello All! I have a question regarding an Alfred workflow I'm trying to create, and I was wondering if anyone here could assist me. I apologize if this question seems basic, but despite downloading existing workflows from the community and searching for tutorials, I haven't been able to find the exact terminology or solution for what I'm trying to achieve. Here's what I want to accomplish: 1. Utilize one snippet trigger. 2. Present a choice between two or more "folders" (or categories). 3. Once a folder is selected, filter the displayed list of items to show only the contents of the chosen folder. 4. Copy the selected item to the clipboard. (See attached mock-up) The main purpose of this workflow is to streamline the initial selection process in one of my workflows by reducing the number of items displayed and the number of snippets I have to use. For example, I'm using snippet \\email for the emails of departments or coworkers within my company that I have to give to people the most, and \\clients for groups of client emails from a different company that I often need to email all at once. I would like to be able to use \\email and only see items Work and Clients after selecting either of those then I get the contents of the selected list filter. If anyone could help me understand how to achieve this or point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance!
  3. Hello, When using a File Filter or List Filter, sometimes we need the original query, not just the filename or list item output. Here's my example: Use File Filter to search in a folder and within PDF documents for a work order number. For example: wo 12345 A list of PDF's that contain that number are shown. Open PDF file in Preview. So far, everything works as expected. Then I would like to take the work order number, in this case 12345, and enter it into Preview's search field. But, I don't have access to the original query. It would be nice if Alfred would save the original query as an internal variable when using File Filter, similar to {query}. How about {original} or something. I have tried using a Keyword first, to grab the original query, but then I have to hit enter to see the results. This breaks backspacing to refine the search. Thanks. nikivi originally brought up the topic and I have a similar post in this thread:
  4. # fuzzylist Fuzzy, self-updating list filter workflow for Alfred 3 & 4 This is a workflow template - it does nothing as is. ## Usage: - create a csv file like you would for an Alfred List Filter, with an optional fourth field containing the path to an icon file for that result. - name the file *list.csv* and add it to the workflow directory On the initial run, the workflow will create a file list.json for output to the fuzzy search. If list.csv is modified, it will update list.json . ## Credits - uses fuzzy.py by @deanishe - https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-fuzzy ## Download workflow at https://github.com/derickfay/fuzzylist/blob/master/Fuzzy List Filter.alfredworkflow (v. 0.3 as of 2022-03-30) ## Working on 12.3 v. 0.3 now uses Python 3 and works on MacOS 12.3
  5. Easiest way to understand this bug, discovered in this thread, is this animation: In my OpenSea Workflow, I'm using an environmental variable to set my "Go Back" text. However, when I enter that List Filter, I can filter plain text Titles, but because I'm using an environmental variable substitution, it seems to cause that List Filter item to be omitted {var:goBack}. The value of the goBack environmental variable is '← Go Back'.
  6. In my latest Toolkit Workflow for OpenSea (source code), I've used a set of List Filters to create a nested navigation structure: This means that you can start here: And then navigate into a submenu and then navigate back up the stack — for example, Settings: I have a couple questions: Since I want to be able to use my custom icons, I'm using List Filters, but is there another way I could achieve something similar, perhaps w/ a JSON file? Once I've entered a submenu, typing 'back' doesn't filter the available options as expected. Is that because the title is an environmental variable? Any other suggestions for how to more efficiently build nest navigation workflows like this?
  7. Since it's possible to drag and drop a CSV file to batch import into a List Filter, it would also be useful to export the contents of a List Filter to CSV. I currently maintain spreadsheets of options that I update from time to time and then convert those spreadsheets to CSV to import into List Filters, and getting the data out that I've previously added would be very helpful. If export itself isn't feasible, allowing me to select and then copy rows in the List Filter to the clipboard in a table-compatible format would be sufficient.
  8. I ended up triggering a generic error that wasn't too helpful when I actioned a List Filter item whose output was an "OpenURL" object with a variable that I'd forgotten to add to the Workflow: Not sure if Alfred could have caught this, but if it had said something like "Variable [variableName] isn't set." or something, that might be more useful? Basically the problem was that {var:domain} hadn't been set in the Workflow. I'm not sure if I got the error because the variable wasn't set or that the arg was invalid when it was passed to the Open URL object.
  9. I activate a List Filter in a Workflow with a Hotkey combo: and when I press option, "Search for '(null)' in Spotlight" is shown as the subtext of the action: Hitting enter opens a Finder window, but of course it can't search for "null". It seems like this behavior should be prevented?
  10. List filter is a feature I discovered recently. I use this type of workflow to create “DAT worflows". DAT stands for "direct access to". I use it as a faster way to access the page of a web application. What does such a workflow do? In Alfred search bar, I type a keyword, then the item list "Title" variable I have set in Alfred, hit enter and boom the webpage I wanted to go to, appears by magic in my default browser. Here are my workflow settings: My question is there a way Alfred shows the item filters "Title" and "Subtitle" variables as it does in a "File filter" action? For example: For now, I have to type the workflow keyword + the "Title" variable of the list item.For example with my Gmail workflow: I would like to have the "Title" and the "Subtitle" variables of any item of the list suggested to me in Alfred's results before I type the "Title" variable. Thank you.
  11. Hi all, Apologies if this has been discussed already... I use list filters a lot, and I would really like a way to add items to a list filter directly via Alfred, ie: if I enter an item that is not in the list, Alfred will add the new item to the list itself. Is there a way to do that? I would be ok with 1) using the same string for title, subtitle, and arg; and 2) going in the filter and correcting the inevitable items being added because of typos or mistakes. Thanks!! Giovanni
  12. For example: an item `hello world`. - `hel wor` would match - but `wor hel` not match but for File Filter, both query would match. Anyone have an idea how to allow List Filter to match arbitrary order?
  13. I am in the process of creating an Alfred 3 workflow that uses a list filter option and the chosen option is passed into the script filter So typing the first keyword umb triggers the list filter, where the user can choose from all, forum, documentation or packages After choosing this option the user presses enter and then types in their search query which passes the query into the script filter which queries an API using a CURL script with BASH to return JSON What I would like to achieve is the following, that a user types in umb forum followed immediately by the search query so umb forum inserting images so this allows users to choose what Here is a quick gif of what I am trying to describe http://cl.ly/061V3L3p2v0w Current Workflow, if anyone is able to download it & provide any help or pointers would be fantastic http://cl.ly/0k0l1f441f2s Cheers, Warren
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