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  1. I’d love to see an option added to Alfred that would make snippets visible in the clipboard history after they’ve been applied - and listed, in sequential order, with everything else on the clipboard. At the moment, when you use Alfred’s snippet viewer to paste a snippet into an application, Alfred adds the snippet to your clipboard. For instance, if you just hit ⌘V, you can paste it again elsewhere. If you open Alfred’s clipboard history, however, you’d never know it. Why not give users the option to show the snippets they’ve applied in their clipboard history (and, as they copy and paste other things, just move it down the history like everything else)? This would be a ton easier than forcing users to navigate back through the snippet viewer, just to apply a snippet they recently used. When applying different snippets, from different collections, it's easy to see how this feature could save people a ton of time. As far as I can tell, the only way to get around this limitation, at the moment, is to create a universal action. More specifically, the universal action is set to do a simple copy and paste from the clipboard. So, once the user has found the snippet they want to apply in the snippet viewer, they would have to (1) action the snippet from the viewer, and then (2) navigate to their new “copy and paste” universal action. Obviously, this would do the trick, as it’d get the snippet onto the (visible) clipboard history … but this is cumbersome as hell. It not only requires more clicking around, but it also necessities the foresight to anticipate when you might need to apply a snippet again, in short order, and should therefore use the new "copy and paste" universal action. While I can certainly appreciate why people may want to keep their snippet history out of Alfred’s clipboard history, the opposite has always struck me as equally plausible. There are a bunch of ways this could be implemented, but I prefer the following two options: Global Approach: In the clipboard history section dealing with snippets (Features > Clipboard History > Snippets), add a 3rd option: “Show applied Snippets in Clipboard History”. Given that Alfred already has two different options to help people integrate snippets into their clipboard history—or to, at least, provide easy access to them—this feature request doesn't seem too far astray. Snippet-specific Approach: Within each snippet, add a new option (similar to the “Auto expansion allowed” option) that users can check: “Copy to clipboard on paste”. Or, you could also just add two new options in the “Type” drop down, such as: “Plain Text Snippet - Match destination formatting on copy and paste” and “Rich Text Snippet - Retain formatting on copy and paste where possible”. My preference is for the Global Approach—or some variation of the two approaches where users could opt-in/out to everything, globally, and then opt-out/in on a per-snippet basis. But I’m open to anything!! And, just to be clear, I understand this is easier said than done … and that there would be some obvious limitations (like the fact that snippets applied from the clipboard history would no longer be dynamic, if they were previously) … but this is a wish list, right? This has been driving me crazy for years!
  2. Hi Everyone! After some time not being able to find any good way of searching for memes and pasting them into anything from MacOS, I've decided to create memepaste. It's super simple, just searches for files within your ~/meme folder and pastes it wherever you want! Here's the github page: https://github.com/gcarrarom/memepaste Releases Page: https://github.com/gcarrarom/memepaste/releases Requirements To get memepaste to work, you will need impbcopy into your /usr/local/bin/ folder. Installing impbcopy This is a good old tool that was created by Alec Jacobson, definitely recommend checking it out from his blog post here You can follow his blog post to install his tool or use the script I provide in this repo, completely up to you! To install impbcopy using my script, just run this command: $(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gcarrarom/memepaste/master/install_pbcopy.sh) Or download the script and run it locally: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gcarrarom/memepaste/master/install_pbcopy.sh --output install_pbcopy.sh chmod +x ./install_pbcopy ./install_pbcopy.sh FAQ "How do I add memes to this?" Just add your memes to your ~/meme folder! It's as simple as that! Make sure to also give a descriptive name to your file, you're going to be searching for memes using it. "why can't you use pbcopy?!?" I'm glad you've asked! If you have ever tried to use pbcopy for images, it's going to reference the file itself on your clipboard and it won't paste it as an image into the chats/documents/<insertYourApplicationHere>. "Where are my memes?!!?" Don't worry, if you don't see anything after typing meme on alfred, that's expected! This workflow uses the regular file filter from Alfred, nothing fancy. Just type something that should be in the file name of your meme. Just make sure it's in the ~/meme folder!
  3. Hi, [Objective] I am trying to build a workflow which gets a DOI link [e.g. https://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.3.3.398] and sets my clipboard to some text from a pulled JSON file. In this case (Orlikowski, 1992). However, I am having a hard time importing the query from Alfred in to the file, and getting it back. I have written the python script, lack the means to use the file. I have made the beginning of the workflow, using regex to focus on the link I need (e.g. 10.1287/orsc.3.3.398) with the regex key - (\/\d{2}.\d{4}\/\w.*), def main(): urlData = "https://api.crossref.org/works/" # the query should be inserted on line 44 urlData += "10.1287/orsc.3.3.398" # Open the URL and read the data webUrl = urllib.request.urlopen(urlData) print ("result code: " + str(webUrl.getcode())) if (webUrl.getcode() == 200): data = webUrl.read() # print out our customized results, but should set this to clipboard print(printResults(data)) else: print ("Received an error from server, cannot retrieve results " + str(webUrl.getcode()))
  4. Currently for snippets and for the "Copy to Clipboard" output in workflows we can choose between "Plain Text" and "Richt Text". I would like to see a third option "Paste HTML". Typinator allows exactly this and the good thing is, that it allows me to easily write text including links with titles to Microsoft Teams. For example if the following text is pasted to teams as HTML, the text will use Team's default text format and will include a titled link: Try out <a href="https://www.alfredapp.com">Alfred</a> – a super cool productivity solution for macOS. The only workaround at the moment is to write the required text in Teams with the link, copy and paste it into the snippet and paste it as "Richt Text". Unfortunately this does not support generating dynamic links and further it produces links in Microsoft Teams which do have the standard text color instead of the expected link color.
  5. Hello forum, What's the best practice for a workflow trigger (keyword or script filter) that uses an optional argument with a fallback value? Example 1 (I made this up): I want to more easily yell at people on the internet, so I have a workflow that turns text to caps. My clipboard is "foo". I call caps and expect my script to receive "foo". I call caps wasd and expect my script to receive "wasd". Example 2: Like example 1, but instead of the contents, I want to use hardcoded text. I call caps and expect my script to receive "your mother". ... What's the best practice to do that? This would be the in-script solution. Is there a built-in way to do this? import sys from AppKit import NSPasteboard, NSStringPboardType def getClipboard(): pb = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() pbstring = pb.stringForType_(NSStringPboardType) return u"Pastboard string: %s".encode("utf-8") % repr(pbstring) query = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else getClipboard() # query = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else "your mother" #example 2 sys.stdout.write(query.upper())
  6. I want to run a workflow when something is getting copied into the clipboard. If the clipboard content matches a certain pattern I want to open a URL. Is this possible at all? To me it seems I need a keyboard trigger that then inspects the clipboard. Which isn't quite as automated as I wished. cheers, Torsten
  7. Since I started using the v2 Beta in January I'm having a recuring issue where my clipboard viewer hotkey suddenly stop working. The assigned hotkey is "Command + Option + V" It was working fine with Alfred 1.x . When I loose access to the hotkey I usually go to Alfred preferences, click the hotkey field, set the exact same hotkey "Command + Option + V" and it restores the functionality. It happens to me everyday on both my computer (iMac an Macbook) both on ML 10.8.2. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a step to reproduce the issue. It just happens... I'm using a typematrix keyboard with a Dvorak layout, but I don't think it's relevant. I tried checking all my apps to find a possible conflict but did not find any If you need more info, let me know.
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