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  1. IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT HANGING PROCESSES ON SIERRA (2017-04-03) Versions of Alfred-Workflow older than 1.25 cannot launch background processes properly on Sierra. In fact, they regularly hang quite dramatically and consume 100% CPU Users (in particular) affected by this bug should install and run this workflow, which can find and fix any workflows with broken versions of Alfred-Workflow. The workflow library for Python GitHub | Documentation A feature-rich library for developing Alfred workflows in Python The library is simple to install, has no external dependencies, is very well-documented and maintained, and boasts an eye-wateringly high feature-to-size ratio at under 400 KB. It is the only Python library that is always up-to-date with Alfred's features. Main features Supports all Alfred features from 2.0 to 3.6. Catches, logs and notifies users (and developers) of errors in Workflows. No more confusing, silent failure. Super-simple, yet powerful data caching (e.g. from a web service) and storage, including session-scoped data. Easy-to-use Workflow settings API. Supports Alfred's AppleScript API, including saving settings to info.plist and calling External Triggers. Keychain access for secure storage (and cross-machine syncing) of sensitive data, like passwords and API keys. Tunable and understandable Alfred-like fuzzy search (e.g. got matches Game of Thrones as well as Baby Got Back. Or not: that's up to you.) Extremely lightweight, but full-featured, HTTP library with Requests-like interface, but just 12 KB instead of > 2 MB. Convenient access to standard macOS icons, for high-quality, familiar icons without adding size to the library. Also available via proper English. Pre-configured, built-in logging to enable simpler Workflow debugging. Painlessly run (update) scripts in the background without blocking your workflow, so you can still show "old" results while fetching new ones. API for running AppleScript/JXA scripts. Simple support for 3rd-party libraries your Workflow relies on. "Magic" arguments to make developing/debugging Workflows so much easier, especially when helping less technically-inclined users. With "magic" arguments, you and your Workflow's users can open the Workflow's log file in Console.app, its cache and data directories in Finder, and its root directory in Finder or Terminal from the comfort of Alfred's query box. You can also delete the cache/data/settings if something is corrupted. Your workflow can update itself via GitHub releases. Smart handling of non-ASCII. Query sale will match result salé, but query salé will not match result sale. Functions to support migrating settings/data from older versions of your workflow. Alfred 3-only features Workflow variables Advanced modifiers Alfred 3-only updates Re-run Script Filters And as you can see from the above links, there is extensive documentation, including a two-part tutorial on building a Workflow from scratch. Examples Here are a few examples of how you can do some pretty cools stuff in just a few lines of code. A simple Workflow I made to search Packal in ~90 lines of code. A simple Workflow to search your recent Pinboard posts in ~50 lines of code. A polished, user-friendly, wicked-fast Workflow to search your recent Pinboard posts in ~200 lines of code. Remember, each of these Workflows also has—for free—full error-catching and -logging support, and the ability to open its log file (which contains all errors) via Alfred's query box. No need to ask users to grub around in ~/Library or flounder in Terminal here. This is not the Workflow library 2014 deserves, but it's the one it needs Feedback If you have any bug reports/feature requests, add them either here or on GitHub. More info The documentation is the definitive source of information on the Alfred-Workflow library. The User Guide and Tutorial provide fairly extensive information both on how to use Alfred-Workflow and write Workflows in general (if you're new to this lark).
  2. Hello everybody, I was just trying to realize a simple workflow to operate the TADO° smart thermostat from the MacBook using Alfred. If have captured the https requests with the two desired options: setting the temperature in AUTO mode, and switching the operation mode from NO_FREEZE, MANUAL to AUTO. Currently, in order to use these https requests, you are forced to login once via the browser to generate the authentication cookie. After that, the https requests are working fine. Is there a more elegant solution for this however? I have then tried to open the URLs using NSAppleScript and shell commands, like: do shell script "curl " & quoted form of theURL but it fails, I guess because of missing AUTH due to absence of cookie. So, I opted for an "Open URL" in Browser object which passes the variable. Backdraw is that this forces the browser to open to fire the request - is there a way to have it closed automatically afterwards? What would be the most elegant way to integrate the keyword "tado temp" followed by a digit where 21,5 should be converted to 21.5 with a decimal, plus "tado mode ON|OFF|AUTO" in one handy compact workflow? It dont fully understand the way how parameters are being passed? Here is my WF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7hg9p5h6zzj477/TADO%C2%B0.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Thanks in advance for any feedback. Regards, taue2512
  3. All script based workflows are unable to run if you live behind a http proxy. For bash, perl, python etc. all depend upon a couple of environment variables in order to work behind a web proxy. The variables are HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and sometimes also their lowercase variants http_proxy and https_proxy. Most unix commands also use these environment variables so it would be super sweet if Alfred could set these variables before executing the workflow. You can find the correct variables by calling 'networksetup' on the command line. Here is a small perl script that calls networksetup in order to find the values for the environment variables: https://gist.github.com/davidolrik/6699572 Or you can just call: scutil --proxy To get the current proxy config. -- Best regards, David Jack Wange Olrik
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