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Wait till git checkout finished

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I'm using following workflow:



This is the terminal command:


cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/3rdparty/
git clone https://aaaaa.git.beanstalkapp.com/aaaa.git {query}

Is there a way to wait till the git clone checkout finishes before the other actions are called?


Edit: I assume I could just put everything into my terminal command?!:D

Edited by daniel_r
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  • 11 months later...

Run Script runs the script in a subprocess (i.e. you can’t see the output). Terminal Command opens a new shell in your terminal app and pastes the command in there.


A Run Script is an integrated part of a workflow. Alfred waits till it has finished before running the next action, and also passes the output to the next action.


That’s why you need a Run Script (so Alfred waits till git is done).


A Terminal Command is passed off to another application, and Alfred has no idea about anything after that. It can’t tell whether the command succeeded or failed, whether it’s finished or not, or what the output was.


Terminal Command is for starting interactive programs or where the user needs to see the output. 



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