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Hang when opening non-MAS app [Fixed pre-release 3.3.1 b806]


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Hello everybody,


I've seen that this was briefly discussed here before, but since the OP didn't reply further, I assume the thread was closed, since I cannot reply there. So I reopen the issue.


I'm running the latest Alfred, v 3.3 [801] on a 2016 13" MacBook Pro with TouchBar, also running the latest official Sierra 10.12.3 (non-beta).


The issue I'm having is as described there:

  • Download any non-MAS app;
  • Open it with Alfred after installation by drag & drop in /Applications
  • Alfred hangs, its window blocking the Gatekeeper confirmation behind it (so killing Alfred from the Activity Monitor is the only way of 'solving' the issue).


I got this bug with absolutely every app I've installed. The latest, a couple of minutes ago, being AppDelete.


So while I don't know or understand the cause, I just wanted to report that the bug is still here.

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@m3adi3c Just reviewing this code, I noticed that I'm not launching in the background when using the file system navigation (browsing). Is this how you're launching apps? When launching from the default results, it should do it in the background and not exhibit this issue.




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2 minutes ago, Andrew said:

@m3adi3c launching in the background when using the file system navigation (browsing).


I'm sorry, what do you mean by this exactly?


Generally, I'm launching apps directly, i.e. calling Alfred by cmd+space and typing the name of the app. However, in the situation we're talking about, I noticed that they do not appear in the results until I open them for the first time. So if it's the first time I'm calling an app that was just installed, I open it with cmd+space, then another space, so I get the apostrophe in the search bar, as if I'm searching for files. This is what I do and this is what causes the issue, I reckon.


Is this what you meant?

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  • Andrew changed the title to Hang when opening non-MAS app [Fixed pre-release 3.3.1 b806]

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