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applescript behaves differently in Alfred

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I've got an applescript which opens a specific path in the finder. When implementing this applescript in Alfred it behaves different. 

for instance, setting "q" to "~" (the home directory) will open the folder in the finder. 

But passing "~" in alfred in my workflow as an argument will reveal the folder, not open the folder.

I want it to open the folder, similar to how the go to function in Finder works. Not reveal it. 

In Alfred I am using the Run NSAppleScript action and a keyword with an argument to trigger the script. 

set q to "~"

set folder_var to true

set mypath to q as text

if mypath = "~" then
	set q to "/Users/David"
else if "~" is the first character of mypath then
	set mytext to text 2 thru (count of mypath) of mypath
	set q to "/Users/David" & mytext
end if

set q to (POSIX file q) as alias

if kind of (info for q without size) is not "Ordner" then
	set folder_var to false
end if

if folder_var is true then
	if mypath = "~" then
		set q to "/Users/David"
		set q to (POSIX file q) as alias
	end if
	tell application "Finder"
		make new Finder window to folder q
	end tell
	tell application "Finder"
		reveal q
	end tell
end if



Try a normal Run Script action with Language = /usr/bin/osascript (AS) instead.


You shouldn't use Run NSAppleScript unless you have a very good reason to.


Thanks for all the input, so far, the behavior has not changed.

It reveals the folder instead of going into it. But running the exact same script (without the "on alfred_script (q)" part) makes the Finder go into the folder. 

The script should go into the folder, but reveal if the given argument is a file.


3 minutes ago, deanishe said:

Bit of a long shot, but it may be due to Alfred being English. 


It appears that your script checks whether the type is "Ordner". Have you tried using "Folder" in Alfred?


Yep that was it. Thanks a lot. Solved my problem!


Here's a better way that works regardless of system language:


on isFolder(theAlias)

    return folder of (info for theAlias without size)

end isFolder


That gives you a simple true/false.

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