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Allow to create hotkey or external trigger to 'Quit apps'

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I use this feature very often and would really love to assign a hotkey to it. I can emulate opening of alfred and typing 'Q ' to it and then start typing what app I want to quit but this is quite ugly.


Ideally I wish I could just have 'quit apps' object and on entering it I get a list of all active applications like here but without 'Q' in input : 




This would be really wonderful to have. Thank you.

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It's a hack but work. In this example I set the keyword to quit app to "xx"  (you can change to a pretty emoji icon if you want, you will need to do some Googling for how to input unicode in applescript)


Create a super simple workflow

Hotkey to trigger (Show list of app to quit)  -> Your hotkey to trigger Alfred -> then a applescript to type the "xx" keywork


It's more or less a macro hack

Screen Shot 2017-06-29 at 7.56.26 AM.png

Edited by dunkaroo
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@nikivi Given how straightforward a hotkey trigger set to pop up Alfred is, I'm not sure how much simpler a solution you want? The workflow literally consists of a single Hotkey object, with the action "Show Alfred" and the text plus a blank space filled in as argument.


I've used the keyword "quit" there because I've left mine to defaults, but you can change it to "q" if that's what you're using.


Screen Shot 2017-06-29 at 16.14.27.png



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Yeah that is what I meant. You can do this but but I just dislike how there will be 'quit' there as query every time I call this object. It would be so much nicer to have a clean query and just a list of applications that are running.


It's mostly due to aesthetics and it looking better with the separate object approach. 

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@dunkaroo Glad it's helpful :) I try to publish tips as often as possible to help everyone discover creative uses for workflows and features!


You'll find a stack on the blog:



And more in-depth tutorials on the Guides and Tutorials page:




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  • 1 year later...

@nikivi Did you ever find a solution to this issue? Like yourself, it drives me crazy, too.


I'd love to attach a hotkey directly to the Quit function. Just searching in Alfred using the keyword brings in unnecessary clutter.


I've tried one or two workflows in the past - from Packal, I think - but I remember them being unusually slow, at least compared to Alfred's built in Quit function.



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