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One keyword that could launch multiple Word files?

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I have 4 or 5 custom Microsoft Word templates. I'd like a workflow that shares the same keyword to launch them and allows me to select the specific template, instead of creating seperate workflows and keywords for each.


For example I'd like to be able to type 'template' in Alfred and all 5 of my Word templates appear in the drop-down and I can just arrow down to the one I want. Anyone know how I could do this? 

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Just use a List Filter input object. In the Keyword section write the one that you want to access the workflow (ex: 'template'). After that, use the '+' icon to add as many items that you want (write a name that specify what is the item and subtitle if you want to add more info, set the path to your file in the 'arg' section) and connect the object to an Open File object


(thought it easier to do it than to write it ;) ):  https://nofile.io/f/MdT7R0YMXhd/Example-Word-Templates.alfredworkflow


Just change the title and path in the listed items

Edited by GuiB
Updated the workflow to have the Word icon
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