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Search by file tag using multiple search terms?

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I've become a convert to the use of tags in macOS as a way of organizing files. I'm moving away from storing my files in folders and sub-folders since there's really no need when it's faster to use Alfred just to search for it.

So I'm trying to build a simple search workflow that will allow me to search for files and folders by tag, but allow me to refine my search by adding more search terms. If i'm searching my PDFs for files tagged "javascript", say, I'd like to go be able to add more tags to narrow the search. It's not so bad when there are only ten files with the tag, but when yo have a hundred it becomes obvious that being able to refine the search by adding more terms is essential.

I have a workflow that (like the built- in search) does a great job of searching for a single tag. How do I give it the extra functionality I want?

Here's what I have...


It's as simple as it gets. It is configured to search for tags and not title keywords:



Anyone have any ideas?


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