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Include version number in Workflow exports


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21 minutes ago, vitor said:

It’s just a name: if a developer wants to add the version number to it, they will

That is true. It's just a bit cumbersome to do it every time. I don't actually add version numbers myself to the exports because of this reason. But I do think there is value in knowing the version of the workflow you are downloading.

Edited by nikivi
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1 hour ago, nikivi said:

I don't actually add version numbers myself to the exports because of this reason. But I do think there is value in knowing the version of the workflow you are downloading.


So you’re not asking for Alfred to add the version numbers; you’re asking for other developers to do it. That’s not a problem that can be solved by Alfred, or any technical means.

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21 minutes ago, vitor said:

So you’re not asking for Alfred to add the version numbers; you’re asking for other developers to do it.


No I was asking for Alfred to automatically prepend version number to exports. As it is tedious to add the version number yourself.



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Here is an adapted version of the function I use to release my Workflows. Save it as workflow-packager, or something, and give it execution permissions (chmod +x workflow-packager). Then, whenever you’re in the top directory of a Workflow, in the terminal, run workflow-packager. It’ll package it up correctly — including removing variables that should not be exported — to your Desktop as Name-Version.alfredworkflow.


I might release it properly in another post later.


readonly workflow_dir="$(pwd)"

if [[ "${workflow_dir}" != *'Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.'* ]] || [[ ! -f "${workflow_dir}/info.plist" ]]; then
  echo "You need to be inside the workflow’s root directory in Alfred’s preferences directory." >&2
  exit 1

readonly workflow_name="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'print name' "${workflow_dir}/info.plist")"
readonly workflow_version="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'print version' "${workflow_dir}/info.plist")"
readonly workflow_file="${HOME}/Desktop/${workflow_name}-${workflow_version}.alfredworkflow"

find "${workflow_dir}" -iname '.DS_Store' -delete

if /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print variablesdontexport' "${workflow_dir}/info.plist" &> /dev/null; then
  readonly workflow_dir_to_package="$(mktemp -d)"
  cp -R "${workflow_dir}/"* "${workflow_dir_to_package}"

  readonly tmp_info_plist="${workflow_dir_to_package}/info.plist"
  /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'print variablesdontexport' "${tmp_info_plist}" | grep '    ' | sed -E 's/ {4}//' | xargs -I {} /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "set variables:'{}' ''" "${tmp_info_plist}"
  readonly workflow_dir_to_package="${workflow_dir}"

if ditto -ck "${workflow_dir_to_package}" "${workflow_file}"; then
  echo "Created ${workflow_file}"
  exit 0
  echo "There was and error creating ${workflow_file}" >&2
  exit 1


Edited by vitor
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