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ascii codec can't decode


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Was trying to run convert workflow and didn't work. Turned out there's something wrong with path encoding


Debug log attached below.

Starting debug for 'Convert'

[2017-10-17 20:31:08][input.scriptfilter] Queuing argument '100'
[2017-10-17 20:31:08][input.scriptfilter] Queuing argument '100 '
[2017-10-17 20:31:09][input.scriptfilter] Script with argument '100' finished
[2017-10-17 20:31:09][ERROR: input.scriptfilter] Code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "convert.py", line 42, in <module>
    ureg = UnitRegistry()
  File "/Users/Canor/Dropbox/ㄱㅐㅇㅣㄴ ㅈㅏㄹㅛ/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5E09B0F2-1E7D-4131-8F98-A36B01C3707E/pint/registry.py", line 75, in __call__
  File "/Users/Canor/Dropbox/ㄱㅐㅇㅣㄴ ㅈㅏㄹㅛ/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5E09B0F2-1E7D-4131-8F98-A36B01C3707E/pint/registry.py", line 1269, in _after_init
    super(SystemRegistry, self)._after_init()
  File "/Users/Canor/Dropbox/ㄱㅐㅇㅣㄴ ㅈㅏㄹㅛ/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5E09B0F2-1E7D-4131-8F98-A36B01C3707E/pint/registry.py", line 175, in _after_init
    self.load_definitions('default_en.txt', True)
  File "/Users/Canor/Dropbox/ㄱㅐㅇㅣㄴ ㅈㅏㄹㅛ/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5E09B0F2-1E7D-4131-8F98-A36B01C3707E/pint/registry.py", line 368, in load_definitions
    raise ValueError('While opening {0}\n{1}'.format(file, msg))
ValueError: While opening default_en.txt
'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position 21: ordinal not in range(128)
[2017-10-17 20:31:10][input.scriptfilter] Script with argument '100 ' finished
[2017-10-17 20:31:10][ERROR: input.scriptfilter] Code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "convert.py", line 42, in <module>
    ureg = UnitRegistry()
  File "/Users/Canor/Dropbox/ㄱㅐㅇㅣㄴ ㅈㅏㄹㅛ/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5E09B0F2-1E7D-4131-8F98-A36B01C3707E/pint/registry.py", line 75, in __call__
  File "/Users/Canor/Dropbox/ㄱㅐㅇㅣㄴ ㅈㅏㄹㅛ/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5E09B0F2-1E7D-4131-8F98-A36B01C3707E/pint/registry.py", line 1269, in _after_init
    super(SystemRegistry, self)._after_init()
  File "/Users/Canor/Dropbox/ㄱㅐㅇㅣㄴ ㅈㅏㄹㅛ/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5E09B0F2-1E7D-4131-8F98-A36B01C3707E/pint/registry.py", line 175, in _after_init
    self.load_definitions('default_en.txt', True)
  File "/Users/Canor/Dropbox/ㄱㅐㅇㅣㄴ ㅈㅏㄹㅛ/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5E09B0F2-1E7D-4131-8F98-A36B01C3707E/pint/registry.py", line 368, in load_definitions
    raise ValueError('While opening {0}\n{1}'.format(file, msg))
ValueError: While opening default_en.txt
'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position 21: ordinal not in range(128)


When I changed the name of my folder that includes .alfredpreferences file, problem solved, but I thought this is just a temporary fix. 

I thought it's Alfred issue, but please let me know if this has to do with workflow. Thanks.


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3 hours ago, Canor said:

I thought it's Alfred issue, but please let me know if this has to do with workflow


It's not. It's an issue with a library the workflow uses.


In future, please don't post any issues with workflows in this forum. It's very unlikely that a crashing workflow is due to an Alfred bug, not a bug in the workflow.


They belong in the thread for the workflow or the workflow's GitHub issue tracker. If the problem is then determined to lie with Alfred, a post can be opened here.


In this case, the problem appears to be with the pint library used by the workflow, or a library used by pint.

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