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Shell scripts work outside of Alfred, but not in workflows

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This shell script works if I run sh ip.sh or env -i ip.sh, but not when I paste it into Alfred as part of a workflow. I get the following error:



[2018-03-22 02:09:11][utility.filter] Processing output of 'action.script' with arg 'pi1'

[2018-03-22 02:09:12][ERROR: action.script



export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

export http_proxy='proxy:pass@'
/usr/bin/curl 'ipinfo.io/ip'



Similar problem, this works when I run it from terminal


ssh user@ip -p 1234 -T<<'ENDSSH'
sudo sh /etc/blablabla/shell.sh

In Alfred it's stuck at Processing output of 'action.script' and nothing happens. 

Tested to run them as external script and bash scripts in alfred.

7 hours ago, BCNbcn said:

but not when I paste it into Alfred as part of a workflow


Upload the workflow somewhere and post a link. Nobody can tell you why a workflow they've never seen isn't working.

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