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Should I be concerned? Volumes/firmwaresyncd.Ux5C91

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When I go to eject drives using Alfred (usually installer DMGs) I've been seeing this  Volumes/firmwaresyncd.Ux5C91 as the first suggestion. This has persisted across many reboots. It's not going away. A screenshot is attached below.

I don't see the supposed volume in Finder, GUI Disk Utility, nor via Terminal command "diskutil list". As far as I can tell the first hit with the curved return arrow is Alfred's best guess or perhaps a cached shortcut to a volume that no longer exists or something like that.

When I did a search for the volume, I came across a similar question. It's not spelled exactly the same as mine but it's similar enough, randomly generated suffixes are common enough. I'm alarmed about the idea of having a hack on my system.

I suspect it's much more mundane. Perhaps a cache isn't clearing in Alfred, or it's seeing a "secret" recovery partition or something.

What can I do to get to the bottom of this?


Edited by adamlogan
Added some more details
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