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[SOLVED] Bash commands for dock position not working on List Filter

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I was trying to run dock repositioning commands in Alfred using List filter.

The link is given in github.

I was can see the list names, but when I click them none of them works.


How can we fix them ?

Help will be truly appreciated.






Edited by Bhishan
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@vitor    I deleted the redundant python script, but this still does not work.


The List Filter is giving problem, If I delete LIST FILTER the script works, but I want to keep it.

Is there any way I keep the list filter and when we click on "Hide" on list filter, it will hide the dock ?



The updated link is shared here.



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@vitor   Thanks a lot. It works now.


But, can we change the bash script like this:


# Wanted version
[[ "${1}" == 'var_show' ]] && defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide -bool FALSE; killall Dock
[[ "${1}" == 'var_hide' ]] && defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide -bool TRUE; killall Dock

# Ugly but working version:
if [ $query = "hide" ]; then
   defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide -bool TRUE; killall Dock            
if [ $query = "show" ]; then
   defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide -bool FALSE; killall Dock            


Edited by Bhishan
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The last bash script in the workflow has following code:

if [ $query = "hide" ]; then
   defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide -bool TRUE; killall Dock            
if [ $query = "show" ]; then
   defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide -bool FALSE; killall Dock            


Can we refactor this code so that it would look nicer, and still works on Alfred?


My attempt was this, but it did not work:


[[ "${1}" == 'var_show' ]] && defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide -bool FALSE; killall Dock
[[ "${1}" == 'var_hide' ]] && defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide -bool TRUE; killall Dock


Edited by Bhishan
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