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Reverso-context (quick look / flash cards) language-learning

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Hello everyone! I tried to integrate such service as Reverso-Context (The search engine for translations in context)

Also, this workflow creates flashcards to Anki through the AnkiConnect by the current searching.



$ npm install --global alfred-reverso



  • In Alfred, type, reverso, enter , and your query.
  • In Alfred, type reverso * ,  enter, and your query to search by your favorite phrases.
  • In Alfred, type reverso ! ,  enter, to set, choose your deck with Anki or delete some.
  1. Make a couple of from your source language (srcContext) and target language (trgContext), guided by Reverso site in Alfred workflow configuration.

  2. To use your favorite sentences (quick look, adding to Anki) create an account on the Reverso and share your favorite list of sentences. Set your username (userName) in Alfred workflow configuration.



There are six requirements:

  • note_type: "ReversoContext" - by default don't need to change. For bunch - Target language (searching) => Source language

  • note_type_reverse: "ReversoContext(reverse)" - by default don't need to change. For bunch - Source language (searching) => Target language

  • path_to_anki-media: /Library/Application Support/Anki2/< Profile name of Anki >/collection.media.
  • srcContext: your Source language (e.g Mother tongue). 

    For bunch - Target language => Source language

    not all couples will be work - check with Reverso site

    • "Arabic",
    • "German",
    • "English",
    • "Spanish",
    • "French",
    • "Hebrew",
    • "Italian",
    • "Japanese",
    •  "Dutch",
    • "Polish",
    • "Portuguese",
    • "Romanian",
    • "Russian"
  • trgContext: your Target language (The language which you want to learn). For bunch - Target language => Source language - not all couples will be work - check with Reverso site
  • userName: To use your favorite sentences (quick look, adding to Anki) create an account on the Reverso and share your favorite list of sentences. Set your username. Do not change the default value if you don't want to create an account.



More info:



Edited by bikeNik
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