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Add Alfred Dark Mode support on Mojawe


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Now that Apple lets developers easy transition to using Dark mode in native apps, I would love to have Alfred make a dark theme too. It's one of my most used applications as I try to develop workflows and having it have this white background is very displeasing.


p.s. I also dislike how its one of the few only 'white background' apps I use on my mac and screenshot in my macOS repo. Also waiting for 2Do and Keyboard Maestro to release it too although they promised to do it soon.


It would be awesome if Alfred had dark background too. Thank you. ❤️


Edited by nikivi
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  • 1 month later...

I would also love for Alfred to inherit current macOS theme setting and switch between two predetermined by user themes automatically. This is arguably more important, since search field is the main interface of Alfred and used more frequently than settings. Of course, you can switch manually now, but most applications are inherit this setting from macOS since Mojave. Also, many people, including me, are using light theme during the day and switch to the dark one in the evening (and there are a couple of good applications to do that automatically, so changing Alfred theme manually is a bit of hassle).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I am missing something here - but I am not as concerned with the preference backgrounds as the text. I'm finding it really difficult to add or edit workflows in Dark Mode, since all the text is white on white. Any ETA on support for Dark Mode here?


I've tried all the tricks I know, like:


defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes && open -n /Applic
ations/Alfred\ 3.app/Contents/Preferences/Alfred\ Preferences.app  && defaults
write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool N

In the terminal, but no luck.It's still very hard to read.


Screen Shot 2018-11-11 at 3.47.14 PM.png

Edited by cthulhu
Fixed typo
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  • 2 weeks later...

@cthulhu Alfred hasn't been updated to support Dark Mode at this point, so it's not surprising that by hack-forcing Alfred's preferences into Dark Mode, you're seeing unexpected results.


Alfred's preferences are vast, so updating them to fully support Dark Mode isn't an insignificant task. We are aware of the interest in Dark Mode, and it will come eventually, so please be patient and use Alfred in its intended mode [default light appearance, even when Dark Mode is selected] until then. :)



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