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[SOLVED] How to use "ESC" key in Alfred output key combo?

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Posted (edited)

In Alfred workflow, I can use most of the key combinations such as "Ctrl-M"  and others.


While working in jupyter notebook, I wanted to create a key combo "esc-m" that will toggle the cell to Markdown.


But, I could not press the "ESC" key in Alfred workflow.


Is there a way to simulate key press "esc-m" in Alfred workflow?



Edited by Bhishan
25 minutes ago, Bhishan said:

I could not press the "ESC" key in Alfred workflow.


Why not? Doing it in a Key Combo works fine. It’s unlikely ⎋ (escape) will act as a modifier, so the shortcut is likely  m (one followed by the other rather than ⎋m (in tandem).

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