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Run a shell command installed with homebrew

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Hello, I'm trying to create a simple workflow that saves to disk the image that is in the clipboard. I found pngpaste a library to do just that.


Now I created the workflow with a keyword trigger named pasteimage and an action "Run Script"



pngpaste $query


I get this error:


Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3/Workflow Scripts/546DD210-2D7D-4CED-AA58-DAB4B0F6EE89:3: command not found: pngpaste

How can I run this command from Run Script?


Thank you

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  • 7 months later...

Yes, but you need to update $PATH to include any directories you want which to look in. And if you do that, you don’t need which any more: you can just run the command by name if it’s on your $PATH.

To change your $PATH, use export before calling which/your other command:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
which pngpaste
# -> /usr/local/bin/pngpaste


Edited by deanishe
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  • 1 year later...

`$PATH` doesn't even have everything in my `/etc/paths`, why would that be?  It would be nice not to have to set `PATH` in every single run script action we make.


I'm also trying to use a file in my `~/Library/LaunchAgents` to add to my `PATH` for all programs, not just shells.  I haven't confirmed that file is working right, but should I expect Alfred to run scripts with the same `PATH` it was run with?

Edited by jedwards
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1 hour ago, jedwards said:

`$PATH` doesn't even have everything in my `/etc/paths`, why would that be?


2 hours ago, jedwards said:

should I expect Alfred to run scripts with the same `PATH` it was run with?


Alfred does run scripts with the same PATH it was run with.


But /etc/path and /etc/path.d/ are used by shells, and your login session and Mac applications aren't launched from a shell.


If you must change the environment for your entire login session, you need to do it with launchctl.

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