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Alfred-Icons [thenounproject.com]

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Hello everyone. I tried to integrate thenounproject.com service.

The main purpose of this workflow is a choice of the icon, by tags, and query words with the possibility get the preview right through the Alfred. So, you can choose some icons for your Alfred workflows and you can see how does it look like immediately. 




The main function of this workflow is preview icons (many icons), so I suggest flipping through the pages (by hit arrow buttons) instead of scrolling. For that, I limited count of the search result to 12. You can change this optionally (in Alfred preferences) depending on your count of visible result items in Alfred options. (I use 7) and each keystroke to up or down shows by 6 items. It's handy, I think.


For use this workflow you will have to free register  and get "KEY" and "SECRET" which required to fill into the configuration block of this Workflow.



$ npm install --global alfred-icons

Requires Node.js 7.6+





In Alfred, type icons, Enter, and your query.


  • Use [alt + enter] (⌥ + ↵) to go the collection of some icon in your search result. It's will be signed by this 🧰?
  • And for any result, you can use [cmd + enter] (⌘ + ↵) to continue your search set using 'tags'. It returns you to collections relative with the selected tag.
  • By clicking on the item you can free download (SVG or png) from the page of this awesome service.



Thnx for your interest.

Edited by bikeNik
changed value of "limited count of the search result" 13 to 12
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This service has another public endpoint of their API - without registration and limitation to 5,000 requests. And its allows downloading the SVG file via my another version workflow simple by click on the one of the search result. But I'm not sure about legality to publishing it. I'm just leaving a link for this alternative version.

Edited by bikeNik
Update workflow to v1.0.1
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  • 2 years later...

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