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[SOLVED] Alfred unable to run pandoc conversion to pdf


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I can't seem to get Alfred to run a pandoc conversion to pdf.  Neither of the pandoc commands bellow will run in Alfred but I have confirmed that xelatex and pdflatex are installed, and both run perfectly fine in Terminal and from my FastScripts menu, so it seems the issue is with Alfred.


I am specifying the full path to pandoc (/usr/local/bin/pandoc) so this is not a path issue (as mentioned here: https://github.com/shawnrice/alfred-documentation/wiki/Environmental-Variables).


I'm fairly certain it's exclusively a PDf (xelatex, pdflatex) issue because pandoc conversions to HTML run perfectly fine for me in Alfred.


This syntax is directly from Pandoc Demos (https://pandoc.org/demos.html) and runs perfectly fine in my Terminal:

/usr/local/bin/pandoc ~/Desktop/MANUAL.txt --pdf-engine=xelatex -o ~/Desktop/example13.pdf

But produces the following error when called within a "Run Script" action (Language /bin/bash/) in Alfred: [ERROR: action.script] xelatex not found. Please select a different --pdf-engine or install xelatex


This syntax also runs perfectly fine in Terminal:

/usr/local/bin/pandoc ~/Desktop/MANUAL.txt -o ~/Desktop/example13.pdf

But produces the following error when called within a "Run Script" action (Language /bin/bash/) in Alfred: [ERROR: action.script] pdflatex not found. Please select a different --pdf-engine or install pdflatex


Both of these also fail with I run them in an external shell script called from Alfred.


What am I missing?

Edited by JmRq
question was answered
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2 hours ago, deanishe said:

Try adding this at the top of the bash script:


export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH


deanishe, thank you for the recommendation.  That didn't quite work, but your suggestion got me thinking about latex path issues.  Turns out, the issue was with /Library/TeX/texbin.  I found a stack overflow thread that recommended: 

export PATH=/Library/TeX/texbin:$PATH

Adding that to the top of the bash script worked.


deanishe, thanks again, you got me pointed in the right direction!

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