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Toggle grayscale/greyscale

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On 9/21/2019 at 10:32 PM, wandering said:

Got a 404. So I made one myself: You can find it here:




Very nice. Could this be forked to toggle Reduce Transparency?
There's a bug in Mojave that messes with VLC and some other media players, making them unusable unless Reduce Transparency is unchecked. So if I want to play a video with VLC, I have to go first to System Preferences / Accessibility / Display and uncheck "Reduce transparency".
It would be great to have a toggle workflow for Alfred for this.
I tried amending your code with "reduceTransparency" instead of grayscale, but that isn't working.

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On 10/13/2019 at 1:51 AM, Ian Robert Douglas said:


Very nice. Could this be forked to toggle Reduce Transparency?
There's a bug in Mojave that messes with VLC and some other media players, making them unusable unless Reduce Transparency is unchecked. So if I want to play a video with VLC, I have to go first to System Preferences / Accessibility / Display and uncheck "Reduce transparency".
It would be great to have a toggle workflow for Alfred for this.
I tried amending your code with "reduceTransparency" instead of grayscale, but that isn't working.


I googled around and found this thread https://stackoverflow.com/a/33383159

Will running this command do what you're asking?  Not sure if a reboot/re-logging-in is needed.

defaults write com.apple.universalaccess reduceTransparency 1


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