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Print selected files - file action

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On 4/3/2019 at 3:26 AM, MrAu said:



This workflow adds a File Action to allow for sending a document to your default printer.

Eg: send a document to printer, print selected files.sRT352g(1).png.d27726fe0fede376a1d723166a0cab4e.png


It takes an Automator workflow OWewDFN(1).png.18c44439667d6c170b7c776368c60565.png


and runs it like so DkPQSe7(1).png.e6f7f3fa71e7ae5f9934180ee2994c40.png


    /usr/bin/automator ./print-selected.workflow


download here https://github.com/fxjkhr/alfred-workflows/blob/master/print-selected.alfredworkflow

@vitor @Vero Is there a universal action that prints selected content in any application to default printer or open in preview?

4 hours ago, TomBenz said:

Is there a universal action that prints selected content in any application to default printer or open in preview?

I'm clearly missing something but, surely, outside Alfred (e.g., in Finder) ⌘P and pressing the spacebar respectively (i.e., no need for Universal Actions)? Inside Alfred (i.e., looking at Alfred's results) see Alfred Preferences → Features → Previews.



21 minutes ago, Stephen_C said:

I'm clearly missing something but, surely, outside Alfred (e.g., in Finder) ⌘P and pressing the spacebar respectively (i.e., no need for Universal Actions)? Inside Alfred (i.e., looking at Alfred's results) see Alfred Preferences → Features → Previews.



Thanks for your reply. Print command doesn't give option to print only selected text in outlook / safari etc. Got this code and Alfred workflow with universal action to achieve my desired outcome.


tell application "System Events"

keystroke "c" using {command down}

end tell


tell application "TextEdit"


set newDoc to make new document

tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using command down

delay 0.2


-- Ask the user if they want to print before closing

set printResponse to display dialog "Do you want to print the document before closing?" buttons {"Print", "Don't Print"} default button "Print"


-- Check the user's response

if button returned of printResponse is "Print" then

print front document without print dialog

end if


set saveResponse to display dialog "Do you want to save the document before closing?" buttons {"Save", "Don't Save"} default button "Don't Save"


-- Check the user's response

if button returned of printResponse is "Save" then

set desktopPath to path to desktop folder as text

set rtfFileName to "temp_text.rtf"

set rtfFilePath to desktopPath & rtfFileName

save front document in file rtfFilePath

end if


-- Close the document without saving it again

close window 1 with saving

end tell

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