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Workflow Version Number


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I would like to request the addition of version numbers for Alfred Workflows. As developers expand the workflows, I think it would be nice for them to be able to set the version number so it's easier to see what version  you have and what version a developer has released. If added to the Bundle ID / Created By / Website, I think that would be nice. If displayed in small darker grey print next to the workflow name, that would be nice and easy, out of the way, and of value to both users, developers and you (as you can see if they are using an out of date workflow, etc.)


Thanks! I hope to see this soon!

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I would like to request the addition of version numbers for Alfred Workflows. As developers expand the workflows, I think it would be nice for them to be able to set the version number so it's easier to see what version  you have and what version a developer has released. If added to the Bundle ID / Created By / Website, I think that would be nice. If displayed in small darker grey print next to the workflow name, that would be nice and easy, out of the way, and of value to both users, developers and you (as you can see if they are using an out of date workflow, etc.)


Thanks! I hope to see this soon!


I understand the want for something like this however, you could use the Notes section to provide info like this for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Additionally, some kind of version management. I'd love to be able to update workflows in place. Unless I'm missing it, I need to seek out new versions and install them again. Alfred seems to know to overwrite the old one fine, but it's still a manual process.

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