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Large Type Output in workflow never fades out [Fixed 4.0.3 b1091 pre-release]

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The title says it all: I've got a few workflows that make use of "Large Type"  output, whatever the setting I choose for fading, nothing happens. I have to click the screen besides the Large Type window to have it closed. Alfred 3 didn't behave like that.

Not sure it's a bug because not reported anywhere ( I looked for this), but annoying...

OS X Mojave, Workbook Pro 13,

Thanks for solving it f bug; for pointing me where the problem is if not bug...


@jaladuvar You have to press Alfred's hotkey, or the esc key to close the large type window, it doesn't go away by itself. This is the same for Alfred 3 and Alfred 4. Unless I have misunderstood what you are trying to explain?


If you want it to hide automatically, you could always wire the output of the large type into a "Delay", and the delay into a "Hide Alfred".





Oh hang on, on testing this further, the "Delay" to "Hide Alfred" doesn't work in Alfred 4 for some reason. I'll take a look at this!

Posted (edited)

Hello, At first instance ( my work flow in Alfred3) I did have indeed a delay action followed by an Alfred HIDE and that worked.

When  I saw that it didn’t work in Alfred 4 I tried different solutions without success.

Then I posted this bug report.  


Thank you for looking into this 

Edited by jaladuvar

In the meantime you could use this AppleScript to send ESC to Alfred


on alfred_script(q)
  tell application "Alfred 4" to activate
  tell application "System Events" to key code 53
end alfred_script


  • Andrew changed the title to Large Type Output in workflow never fades out [Fixed 4.0.3 b1091 pre-release]

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