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Alfred 2 Workflow Ruby Template (Framework)

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Please goto http://zhaocai.github.com/alfred2-ruby-template/ for detailed instruction.


Suggestions are welcome!




Example Projects


Main features:
  • Use standard bundler to easily package, manage, and update ruby gems in the workflow.
  • Friendly exception and debug output to the Mac OS X Console
  • Automate rescue feedback items to alfred when something goes wrong.

Alfred workflow and feedback related functions are located in a separate 
 which can be easily installed by addinggem "alfred-workflow" in the Gemfile.

  • Functions for smart case query filter of feedback results.
  • Functions for finding the bundle ID, cache and storage paths, and query arguments.
  • Functions for reading and writing plist files.
  • Functions to simplify generating feedback XML for Alfred.
  • Functions to simplify saving and retrieving settings.
Edited by zhaowu
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  • 2 years later...



I’m working on a very simple workflow using the alfred2-ruby-template, but I haven’t figured out how to set custom icons for the items in the result list. I have the icons available in .png and .icns format in the workflow folder. This is an example of one of the items:

    :uid      => "lessons"               ,
    :title    => "#{wkresult.fetch("lessons_available")} lessons available"          ,
    :subtitle => "Action this to go to the lessons"        ,
    :arg      => URI.escape("https://www.wanikani.com/lesson"),
    :valid    => "yes"                  ,

How do I add a custom icon here? Thanks.

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