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File Filter - Contacts / AddressBook Files

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It looks like there might be a bug impacting file filter searches for AddressBook files in Alfred 4.


I’ve used this file filter since I started using Alfred, and just noticed that it no longer works in Alfred 4. In the screenshot below, you’ll find its settings:







Side Note: I’ve always preferred using a file filter (keyword, more specifically) when searching for contacts because I don’t like seeing them in Alfred’s default or file search modes. 


To be clear, if I go back to Alfred 4’s settings - either its default or file search settings - and add “contacts”, they will show up in those searches. However, these files will not show up in the file filter (i.e., it appears to be a file filter and not a permissions problem).


Thanks for your help!

Edited by Jasondm007
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Sidebar: This is completely unrelated, so please feel free to ignore this or file it away in feature suggestions for Alfred 4. It just popped into my head when working on this particular file filter.


Namely, I was wondering if was possible to relax Alfred 4's new preference searching abilities for workflows (e.g., so that it splits words)? For example, on my system the workflow for this particular file filter is named "Search - Contacts" (see additional screenshot below). When searching for it, Alfred finds the workflow perfectly when I use its exact name: "?Search - Contacts" (or some truncated version of this, as long as it starts out correctly - e.g., "?Search", "?Search - ", etc.). However, Alfred can't find the workflow when I search for the second word in its name: "?Contacts". It also won't find it when using a wildcard: "?*Contacts".


My memory is pretty good, but this is rough (especially when the workflows' names revert to their originals after being updated by their creators, etc.). In addition, Alfred's Web Searches already appear to search in the more forgiving manner described above. 


In any event, I started using @Acidham's great workflow to get around this limitation, but I'd prefer to use Alfred's search to open these in preferences (and his workflow for other stuff, like running or revealing them in Finder, etc.).


Thanks for your consideration!



Edited by Jasondm007
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Please ignore this file filter bug report, as it appears to be working with contacts now.


I have no idea why it wasn't working yesterday. I restarted my computer a few times before posting to this forum. The only difference between yesterday and today, that I can think of, is that I did a full shut down.


My apologies for the false alarm (though the sidebar still stands). Thanks again for all of your help!

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